Ali Farbod Ali Farbod

A night to remember
Elementary, A1 level


In this session Ss will be exposed to irregular past simple verbs and their usage in a context related to vacations. After a short leads in through projecting pictures on the board about which the Ss will venture guesses, they will be making an attempt to match the read texts first with the pictures and then a set of questions. That will be followed by a grammar exercise in which Ss will try to locate past form of given verbs in the texts. They will then be subjected to a set of controlled practice activities and finally a freer speaking practice will conclude the lesson.


Abc Pictures of nights out in Istanbul and Athens
Abc Picture matching vocabulary practice
Abc reading hand out, English file, page 56
Abc grammar exercise page 57
Abc grammar exercise hand out page 135
Abc speaking hand out for freer practice
Abc grammar exercise page 57 AK
Abc verbs list

Main Aims

  • By the end of the session the Ss will have become familiarized with the irregular past verbs, their difference with regular past verbs and their usage in the context of " A memorable night".

Subsidiary Aims

  • They will also have had the chance to practice the receptive skill of reading in a "memorable night" context along side the productive skill of speaking in the same context through free speaking practice at the end of the lesson.


lead in (2-3 minutes) • to prepare Ss for the TL and activate their schemata

In the first stage, two pictures will be projected on the board and the teacher will start by asking the Ss about the pictures as to where they are, who the people in the pictures are and what they are doing as a warm up activity. The teacher will then personalize the subject and ask some nominated Ss whether they visited these cities in the past and what they experienced. This will take place in a WC activity.

Pre - reading task (3-5 minutes) • pre teaching vocabulary needed in the reading context.

The Ss will be given a hand out containing nine pictures and nine words. Before having been handed the HO, Ss will be instructed to match the pictures with the word they think they resemble. Two ICQs will be asked in this stage: 1- Are we going to write under the pictures? ( using a writing gesture) 2- are we matching the pictures with the words? ( using a matching gesture). they will be given two minutes to match the words with the related pictures. This will be done alone. The Ss will then be paired up based on their sitting positions and compare their answers with their partners. Teacher will monitor closely and have on the spot correction if needed as feedback. The word "memorable" will also be taught in ECDW style.

gist reading task as first stage of guided discovery (3-4 minutes) • to familiarize the Ss with the aimed TL

The ss will be given a handout containing two reading texts. Before that they will be instructed to go through the text and match each text with the relevant picture. two ICQs will be asked in this stage: 1- Are these texts about the pictures? 2- what will you do? Ss will work alone for matching the pictures with the texts and after having done so, they will check with their designated partners to see whether or not their guesses were correct. A WC feedback will be done to ensure the correct choices have been made by the Ss.

Reading for specific information (7-10 minutes) • to further fixate the structure and facilitate discovery and expose Ss to a context containing the TL.

Ss will be divided into two groups of A and B. they will be instructed to work in their groups and match the questions with the sentences in the text. A hand out will be given to the Ss containing both texts, but folded in the middle so each group sees only their designated text. Before receiving the hand outs, Ss will be asked three ICQs: 1- are we working alone or in our groups? 2- will we read both texts or just the one for our group? 3- what will we be matching? the first one will be done by the teacher as an example. In their designated groups the ss will attempt to match the sentences with the questions. The teacher will monitor this stage and provide on the spot correction wherever needed. After having matched the sentences with the questions, the ss will be instructed to work with a partner from the other group and tell them their answers. The usage of the TL will be desired in this stage. one ICQ will be asked here. 1- what will we tell our partners? The teacher will monitor this stage and make sure Ss are answering the questions and hopefully using the TL.

Grammar focus page 57 (10-12 minutes) • to expose ss to the aimed TL and familiarize them with the form of irregular verbs.

The ss will be given a HO containing the present form of the target verbs. before that they will be instructed to scan ( go through) both texts and find the past tense of the given verbs. they will do this activity in pairs designated in the previous activity. Two ICQs will be asked in this stage. 1- are we working alone or in pairs? 2- are we looking for the same verbs or their past tense? teacher will monitor this stage and make sure Ss are getting the correct answers, using on the spot correction whenever needed. After 4 to five minutes, the teacher will ask the pairs to get up, find other pairs on compare their answers for feed back. this stage will be very closely monitored by the teacher to ensure they have all found the correct form of irregular past verbs. At the end, the AK will be given to the Ss.

grammar controlled practice (7-9 minutes) • to check the understanding of the Ss in a controlled exercise.

The Ss will be instructed to work in pairs and form the correct form of the past verb for the verbs in brackets. They will also be told that they can refer to the AK from the previous exercise if they face problems. Two ICQs will be asked in this part: 1- are we working alone or in pairs? 2- what are we writing in the empty spaces? The first one will be done as an example by the teacher. The HOs will then be distributed among the ss and they will attempt to write the correct tense in the empty slots. Teacher will monitor closely and provide on the spot correction if needed. After the ss have finished the exercise, the teacher will ask nominated Ss to answer the questions and use the board as the AK.

freer speaking practice- part one (5-7 minutes) • to fixate the grammar they have learnt through guided discovery

The Ss will work in their pairs. They will be instructed to read the the words and try to make a question using each pair of words and write that question down. The context in which they will be making the questions will be a memorable night. Two ICQs will be asked in this stage: 1- what are we making? (questions) 2- what are the questions about? ( a memorable night). The HOs will then be distributed. the first one will be done by the teacher as an example. (when/it... when was it?) The teacher will monitor the task and provide on the spot correction to Ss when making the questions.

freer speaking practice- part two (5-8 minutes) • to enhance speaking skills of ss and fixate the grammar they learnt

The Ss will be divided into groups of three. they will be instructed to answer the questions they made in the previous task. No ICQs needed here as it is a straight forward task. The teacher will give the Ss more room and they will attempt to answer the questions. They will be monitored in this stage, the teacher noting any examples of errors or good use of language relevant to the TL in hand.

delayed feed back and error correction (4-6 minutes) • to check errors and good grammar examples without interfering in the speaking practice

The teacher will convert examples of good language usage and possible errors of Ss that had been noted down during the freer speaking practice to the board. The correct forms of the errors will be elicited from the Ss. a HO containing verbs and their past tenses will be given to Ss for further studies

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