Sinem Sinem

Memorable Moments
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will improve their listening and speaking skills engaging in both listening and speaking activities. They will first listen for specific information. Then they will again listen for specific information in which the Ss will be exposed to a more challenging activity. Later, they will practice the target language and drill it. Hence, they will produce and speak in groups about it.


Abc H/O #1
Abc Cut-ups
Abc Picture
Abc Paste-ups

Main Aims

  • To enhance the students' listening skills for specific information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enhance the students' speaking skills in the light of listening.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To familarize students with the topic and set the lesson context

Greet Ss and draw their attention towards the board where they will see a picture. Ask the following questions and elicit the answers: 'What is this?' #A picture 'Who is in this picture?' 'Who do you think is this girl?' #You 'How old was I at that time?' #5 Ask Ss if they can remember the events that happened when they were five years old. Elicit the word 'memorable' asking 'What do we say when the moments you had in the past is unforgettable?'. Drill and write the word [memorable - adj /memərəbl/] on the board.

While Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To enhance students' skills of listening for specific information by a less challenging activity

Tell Ss that you are going to share one of your memorable moments with them. Ask them to listen to you and then decide individually if the statements are (T) or (F). Give them the handouts. ICQ: 'So Are we going to do it alone or with our friends? #Alone' Get Ss check their answers with their partners. Monitor the Ss and take notes any difficulty they face while answering the questions. Make them listen to you again if necessary. Get W/C feedback.

While Listening #2 (6-7 minutes) • To enable students to develop ability to listen for specific information.

Tell Ss that they are going to listen to your memorable moments once again. Tell them you are going to give them some cut-ups and they are going to put them in order. Let them know that they are going to work within groups. ICQs:'So are we going to match the cut-ups? #No' 'Are we going to put them in order? #Yes' 'Are we working alone? #No' Divide them into groups of three. Give the groups the cut-ups. Tell them your story once again. Monitor the students. Let them compare their answers. If necessary, make them listen to you once more. Elicit the answers from the Ss.

Language focus (8-10 minutes) • To improve the target language use.

Put Ss into different groups. Tell them that you are going to give them sentence halves. They need to match the right sentence halves. ICQs: 'So are we going to put them in order? #No' 'Are we going to work in groups? #Yes' Hand them out the cut-ups and monitor the groups by taking notes if they are struggled with any questions. Ask them to compare their answers with other groups. Elicit the answers from the students. Model and drill the phrases(Backchain for the long utterances). Highlight the stress.

Freer Speaking Activity (14-15 minutes) • To provide opportunities of freer practice of the target language for the students.

Paste the questions upon the board. Ask the students to plan their own memorable moments by answering one of them. Tell them that they will work individually and then share their stories with their friends within groups. Ask the following ICQs: 'Are we writing about our friends?' #No 'Are we planning it with our friends?' #No 'Are we going to share it with our friends later?' #Yes Give them some time to plan what they are going to talk about with their friends. Then put them into groups of three. Monitor the groups while they are sharing their memorable moments with each other. Take notes of the mistakes made by the Ss. If time permits, change the group members.

Delayed F/B (4-5 minutes) • To correct errors made by the students

Write few sentences on the board that you have listened from the Ss during monitoring. Make sure that some of them are right and some of them are wrong. Ask Ss to correct the wrong sentences within pairs. Elicit the answers from the class.

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