Maria Kamphuis Maria Kamphuis

TP4 LP Maria Kamphuis
Upper Intermediate level


This is a functional language lesson with the aim being to provide clarification and practice of language used for saying you’re surprised or not surprised.


Abc Coursebook text
Abc Grammar reference

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the additudinal meaning of functional language to say you’re surprised or not surprised.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice responding appropriately to reported events.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share jamboard link and share my screen. Slide 1: What would you say if I told you that I have not driven a car in 10 years? (Would you be surprised?) What emotion are these people expressing? In English there are many expressions that show you are surprised. Today we will talk about what to say when you are surprised and what to say when you are NOT surprised at all. These expressions are very useful in a conversation. They show people that you really understand what they have told you.

Text-work (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss open link and fill in the blanks individually while watching the video. ICQ (4 min). Then Ss check answers in BOR (2 min) 1. I don't __________ it! (imagine, see, believe, give) 2. I'm not surprised, to be __________. (clear, silly, honest, ridiculous) 3. I _______ you were. (bet, think, know, feel) 4. You ________ be joking! (must, might, will, can’t) 5. Well, ____________ you've got a virus. (I see, I doubt, no wonder, no way) 6. You're ___________! (welcome, right, here, kidding) 7. Why on ___________ doesn't he listen to me? (land, earth, foot, the moon) 8. Yes, I can ________. (come, see, go, imagine) Show script on slide two and Ss read completed sentences in OCFB (2 min)

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Slide 3: Are these phrases expressing surprise or no surprise? Ss put them in the boxes. Slide 4: Let's practice the expressions that show you are surprised. Ss read in pairs, mini-role play. CCQs: do these phrases express doubt? (no) What is a synonym of joking? (kidding). Practice using different question words before "on earth". Pronunciation practice. Slide 5: Let's practice the expressions that show you are NOT surprised. Ss read in pairs, mini-role play. Pronunciation practice. Slide 6: You take your child to school and discover he did not wear shoes. Ss practice with What on earth..., Why on earth... etc. Slide 7: (if time) "Which words are missing?" Ss complete sentences. CCQ: Which one shows surprise?

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss open link to google form. We work through the example together. Ss fill in answers individually (4 min) (Example) A: I waited all day but the new TV did not arrive. B: _____________ They promised to deliver it today. (I'm not surprised, to be honest; You must be joking; No wonder it didn’t come.) 1 A: Justin and Mary are getting married. B:_________________________ Last week they weren't speaking to each other. (I’m not surprised, to be honest; I bet they are; You’re kidding!) 2. A: Sally's boss fired her today. B:______________________ He'll never find anyone as good as her. (Why on earth did he do that?; Yes, I can imagine; I bet he did.) 3. A: Simon said it wasn't his fault that we missed the plane. B: _______________________ It's never his fault, is it? (I bet he did; Wow, that’s fantastic news; I can’t believe it!) 4. A: Bob and Paula are breaking up. B: ________________ They've been having problems for ages. (Why on earth are they doing that?; I’m not surprised to be honest; You’re kidding!) 5. A: I'm freezing! B:____________________________ You didn't bring a coat! (Why on earth are you cold?; Well, no wonder you’re cold; You must be joking!) Ss are sent to BOR to check answers with a partner (2 min). Students submit answers. OCFB to review answers. (4 min)

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Slide 2: Let's look again at the script. What will Martin say next? How can Judy respond if she is surprised? And if she is not surprised? DEC (4 min)

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