Emilio Emilio

TP3 Grammar
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will review and practice the simple present for the third person in both negative and affirmative statements.


Abc Face 2 Face Elementary
Abc Google Form

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of Present Simple (4rd Person, affirmative and negative statements) in the context of talking about a friend.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a when talking about a third person in the context of talking about a friend.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will start the presentation by asking students: "What do you do on a normal day?" "What do you do in your free time?" And modelling the answer with: "I work a lot. In my free time, I play video games. I don't go running." S will direct Ss attention to more example activities in the pictures. T will send Ss to BOR for them to discuss the questions. Ss will return, but T will not ask about the content of the conversation.

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss will be presented with the text and they have to read it to answer the question: "What are they talking about". T will then reveal the options and students will select the corresponding option.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will ask the question: "What does Trevor do?" Ss reread the text to find specific examples of the activities Trevor does and the ones he doesn't do to complete the chart on the jamboard. Students share their findings on the chat.

Clarification (8-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will then show the Meaning Section of the presentation. T will read the descriptions and examples and ask the following CCQs to verify understanding: Is this a routine? Yes Is this a special situation? No Is this something Trevor does every day? No T will then show the Form Section of the presentation. T will direct students attention to the form of the Simple Present and have them complete the form by analyzing the examples provided. Students should come up with the solution (add -s/-es) Then, T will show the next slide. T will direct students attention to the form of the Simple Present and have them complete the form by analyzing the examples provided. Students should come up with the solution (use does/doesn't) Then, T will show a slide with details on the spelling of the S for the third person. T will present Ss with 2 incorrect example sentences to verify understanding of the form. In the pronunciation section, T will present the 3 sounds used in the pronunciation of 3rd person in the simple present and the common spellings they are connected to. T will model the pronunciation and show 2 examples of each one. T will then have Ss decide and produce the sounds connected to these verbs (loves, washes, kisses, sees, writes, mixes, bags, watches, sits) and have them connect them to the correct phoneme.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will present students with a text that has several blank spaces and verbs to complete them. Ss will go to a google form to complete them, to later be sent to BOR to compare their production. Ss return from BOR to share their solution in open class. T checks and provides feedback as Ss present their results.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will read the instructions from the slide. "Talk about a friend (or family) to your classmate" T will call Ss attention to the topics they can discuss in order to set a context for the conversation. Ss will go to BOR and talk about their friend or family. T will take note of Ss production. Students return to have feedback on their production.

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