TP2 - Lexis (collocations)
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To enable students to understand and use collocations related to life events, including verb + noun, verb + adjective and verb + preposition, in the context of reading about a man who was an impostor
Subsidiary Aims
To enable students to develop their speaking skills in a role play in the context of being an impostor
Procedure (45 minutes)
• T shows slide 1 with the dictionary definition of impostor. T asks one S to read it. • Instructions: This is the dictionary definition of the word impostor. St A, can you read it? • T clarifies the meaning of to pretend asking CCQs and highlighting the difference between to pretend and to intend because to pretend is a false friend and Ss might have problems to understand it. CCQs: When we pretend to be someone else, do we behave as if something is true when in fact it is not? Yes. If I am a teacher, go to a hospital and say to people there that I am a doctor, am I pretending to be a doctor? Yes. But if I want to be a doctor in the future, do I pretend to be a doctor or intend to be a doctor? Intend. • T asks Ss “Do you know anyone who has ever pretended to be someone else?” Ss share their ideas with the group. • T shows slide 2 with the film poster of the film ‘The great impostor’ and asks Ss to discuss the question in pairs. • Instructions: This is the film poster of ‘The great impostor’ In pairs discuss ‘What do you think this man pretended to be?’ Do you think he pretended to be a doctor, a teacher? What? You have 2 minutes. ICQS: Can you talk about the professions he pretended to have, St A? Yes. How much time to you have, St B? 2 minutes. • After Ss have discussed T conducts OCFB and writes Ss ideas on the board – slide 2.
• T shows Ss the text about ‘the great impostor’ for Ss to read for the gist and check their predictions. • Instructions: Read the text individually to check your predictions. You have 2 minutes. ICQs: Do you read to get the general idea of the text, St A? Yes. Do you have to pay attention to every word or just have an idea of the text, St B? Have an idea of the text. • After Ss read the text T puts them in breakout rooms to check their predictions. • Instructions: Now check with your friend if your predictions were correct. You have 2 minutes. • T conducts OCFB and check Ss predictions that were written on the board.
• T shows one example sentence from the text and elicits from Ss its meaning and form as an example for Ss to complete the task – slide 4. (2 minutes) • Script: Look at this example from the text. St A, can read it? Does it mean ‘he went to prison for a different crime or he was accused of a different crime? He went to prison for a different crime. You have to underline the sentence with the same meaning as the sentence from the text. T underlines the sentence. T reads number 2 and elicits the answer from Ss. T also drills the pronunciation of arrested him and shows Ss there is a linking between the words. • T tells Ss they will do the same with the other sentences. • T shares a link in Google docs for Ss to do the activity in pairs. • Instructions: You will work in pairs and to the same with the sentences from the text. Open the link in the chat box and do the activity in pairs. You have 5 minutes. • In the breakout rooms Ss work on the meaning and form of the collocations (5 minutes) • T conducts OCFB and drills pronunciation of the collocations (2 minutes) • T shows slide 5 and asks Ss to match the words to make collocations. Ss do the activity individually. (2 minutes). Then they check their answers in pairs. • Instructions: Match 1 to 7 with a to g to make collocations. Individually. You have 2 minutes .Now check your answers with your pair. You have 1 minute to check answers. • T conducts OPFB. • To wrap up the clarification stage of the lesson T shows slide 6 and elicits words that collocate with the verbs play, have and go to expand the topic and make Ss aware that they already know lots of collocations in English.
• To provide controlled practice of the target language T shows slide 7 and tells Ss they have 2 minutes to do the activity. • Script: Underline the correct option. T does number 1 as a model. You have 2 minutes to do the activity individually. • After Ss do the activity T sends them to the breakout rooms to check answers. • Instructions: Check your answers in pairs. You have 2 minutes. • T provides OCFB.
• To practice the target language in a freer way Ss work in pairs and role play a conversation between Demara and a journalist • Instructions: You are going to work in pairs and imagine that one student is Demara and the other is a journalist interviewing him. As you talk try to use at least 3 collocations from our lesson. You have 5 minutes to talk. ICQs: Do you give your opinion in the interview, St A? No. Do you pretend to be someone else in the conversation, St B? Yes. How many collocations from today’s lesson do you have to use, St C? At least 3. • T monitors Ss performance.
• T writes some examples of language produced by Ss on the board. Ss have to say which ones are correct and which ones are wrong and correct the wrong ones. • Ss do the task in pairs in breakout rooms (5 minutes) • Instructions: Which sentences are correct? Which sentences are wrong? Correct the wrong ones. You have 5 minutes. • T conducts OCFB