Michelle Michelle

Loke Wei Lin Michelle TP 7
Upper-Intermediate level


Students will learn and practice productive skill of speaking (Ways of giving advice for a visitor) using (Speak Out 2nd Edition Upper-Intermediate pg 101 by Pearson


Abc Speak Out 2nd Edition Upper Intermediate by Pearson

Main Aims

  • Students will learn and practice productive skill of speaking (Ways of giving advice for a visitor) using (Speak Out 2nd Edition Upper Intermediate pg 101 by Pearson).
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for speaking (Ways of giving advice).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice for real life situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 7: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1S0MKHYbckWAW-zOQGNIKneKM8i8DmGranlEfhutzjBw/edit?usp=sharing) to provide visual aid of a person receiving advice from others. The teacher will nominate two students to read aloud the character of Paul and Mike. Students will read the short dialogue aloud. The teacher will ask students, ‘What advice would you give visitors into Mexico?’ Problem: No student responds voluntarily. Solution: The teacher will nominate two students to respond. The aim of the task is to create an opportunity for students to freely respond in a non-structure manner, personalize the learning experience, encourage authentic speaking responses, and build rapport.

Content Preparation (7-7 minutes) • Aim of task to create opportunities for students to come up with ideas and/or concepts which support the completion of the task.

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 7:https://jamboard.google.com/d/1S0MKHYbckWAW-zOQGNIKneKM8i8DmGranlEfhutzjBw/edit?usp=sharing) and provide instruction for the Content Preparation task. The teacher will use (Padlet TP 7: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/kdo254crwsompur1) to conduct the Content Preparation task. The teacher will put students in pairs/ groups in Zoom Breakout rooms to brainstorm ‘What advice would you give visitors into Mexico?’ All students are to type in their ideas into (Padlet TP 7: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/kdo254crwsompur1) to brainstorm ideas Each group is to select one piece of advice for presentation. The teacher will conduct OCFB to gather responses from students. Problem: Students may not have enough content on Padlet. Solution: The teacher will remind students to key in all ideas into Padlet for presentation. Problem: The teacher may run out of time for presentation. Solution: The teacher will scan through padlet and ask a few questions/ comments instead Aim of the task to create opportunities for students to come up with ideas and/or concepts that support the completion of the task.

Language Preparation (10-10 minutes) • Aim of task is to provide input on useful language which can help learners complete the speaking task. Learners will answer Guided Discovery questions and teacher clarifies MAFP of the language.

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 7:https://jamboard.google.com/d/1S0MKHYbckWAW-zOQGNIKneKM8i8DmGranlEfhutzjBw/edit?usp=sharing) to briefly outline lesson objectives present Language Preparation. The teacher will go through MAFP slides on relevant Language Preparation speaking phrases (advice to the visitor). Students in each group 1,2,3 are the main responders (according to the phrase) to provide answers when the teacher is going through MAFP. All students are encouraged to answer as well. The aim of the task is to provide input on useful language which can help learners complete the speaking task. Learners will answer Guided Discovery questions and the teacher clarifies MAFP of the language. 1) Considered good/bad manners to … Example: It’s considered good manners to shake hands when you are introduced. ɪts kənˈsɪdəd gʊd ˈmænəz What does it mean? 1. Should a person practice this often? Form (e.g. noun, adjective, verb, pronoun...) 1. What form is the word ‘manners’? 2. When should the phrase ‘It’s considered good manners…’ be used? 3. Construct a sentence using the words ‘It’s considered good manners…’. 2) Don’t be surprised if … Example: Don’t be surprised if you are invited to a family dinner. dəʊnt biː səˈpraɪzd What does it mean? 1. Would you be expecting this to happen? Form (e.g. noun, adjective, verb, pronoun...) 1. What form is the word ‘surprised’? 2. When should the phrase ‘Don’t be surprised…’ be used? 3. Construct a sentence using the words ‘Don’t be surprised…’ 3) It’s perfectly acceptable/unacceptable to Example: It’s unacceptable to speak rudely to others. ɪts ˌʌnəkˈsɛptəbl tuː What does it mean? 1. Would you want to be friends with someone who behaves this way? Form (e.g. noun, adjective, verb, pronoun...) 1. What form is the word ‘unacceptable’? 2. When should the phrase ‘It’s unacceptable… ’ be used? 3. Construct a sentence using the words ‘It’s unacceptable’.

Speaking Task (13-15 minutes) • The aim of task is to provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking for fluency in a communicative manner.

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 7:https://jamboard.google.com/d/1S0MKHYbckWAW-zOQGNIKneKM8i8DmGranlEfhutzjBw/edit?usp=sharing) to conduct the Speaking task. Students will be task to: Imagine you are Paul and Mike. Continue the dialogue (conversation) between Paul and Mike. 1. Include the ONE ADVICE you had previously presented and complete the dialogue. 2. The group will role play and read out the created dialogue between Paul and Jake to the rest of the class at the end of the Breakout session. 3. Everyone in the group/ pair should have a chance to read the dialogue aloud. Each group/pair will be provided a personal Padlet to access and plan their dialogue. They will not need to show their Padlet as this is a speaking task. Problem: Students may have forgotten the advice they presented on. Solution: Teacher can remind students to refer back to (Padlet TP 7: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/kdo254crwsompur1) Students will read aloud dialogue to class while their peers write feedback on (Peer Review Padlet: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/bfsgz6wrujqhja57) The aim of the task is to provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking for fluency in a communicative manner.

Feedback on Content (3-5 minutes) • Aim of task is to provide feedback on the learners’ ideas and the most relevance of their interaction.

Students will have completed feedback on (Peer Review Padlet: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/bfsgz6wrujqhja57) The teacher will use peer review on (Peer Review Padlet: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/bfsgz6wrujqhja57)to conduct OCFB and comment accordingly. The aim of the task is to provide feedback on the learners’ ideas and the most relevant of their interaction.

Feedback on Language (3-5 minutes) • Aim of task is to provide feedback on accurate and inaccurate samples of learners’ language.

Students will have completed feedback on (Peer Review Padlet: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/bfsgz6wrujqhja57) The teacher will use (Google slide Speaking Lesson Framework TP 7: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BLrsZ-37vDr-liKgpc5-4EDNCqkRC3z0/view?usp=sharing ) to highlight sentences (accurate and inaccurate) from Speaking Task. The teacher will comment on areas of grammar, lexis, pronunciation, appropriacy, etc, depending on students’ responses. The aim of the task is to provide feedback on accurate and inaccurate samples of learners’ language.

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