Wendy Viciana Wendy Viciana

Wendy Viciana TP3 - Grammar
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about past-simple and past continuous through MFPA, Controlled, and Freer Practice around the topic of airline travel and missing one's flight.


Abc Workman, Graham, 2005, Concept Questions and Timelines, Chadburn Publishing
Abc Dellar, Hugh, Walkley, Andrew, 2016, Outcomes, National Geographic Learning Pre-Intermediate Book

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, the Ss will have learnt about past simple and past continuous grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about How not to miss flights in the context of Airline Travel. They will also have practiced their speaking skills through controlled and freer practice


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First slide will show pictures of airports and flight travel and will have the question: "Have you every missed a flight?" This will allow students to predict what the topic of the lesson is and have 3 minutes to practice their answers with one another in break-out-rooms? Followed by 2 minutes of OCFB by T.

Intensive Reading for Detail (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will show three (3) fill-in the blank questions about the text and ask students to take a moment to copy them. The answer key will be shown. T to send this information via chat to everyone as well. 1. What was happening at the train station? 2. Did the airline employee wake up the passenger? 3. Why did the reader miss the flight? T states that they have 3 minutes to read the text ( 3 paragraphs about 3 different scenarios) T will then send Ss to BOR to answer these questions in pairs for 3 minutes T will conduct OCFB and elicit answers from Ss for 2 minutes

Clarification/MFPA (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1st slide shows three (3) sentences that highlights the TL and clarify meaning. Students take a moment to copy questions. T sends Ss to BOR to discuss answers in pairs (2 mins) T conducts OCFB and shares answers for students to check against (1 min) and asks CCQs to ensure students understand meaning, and shows a timeline to visually check Ss understanding. a. When I got to the train station, . . . they were doing repairs on the line (got/they were doing) CCQs: Did traveler arrive at the station in the past? (Y) Were the repairs already happening? (Y) What happened first, the arriving at the station or the repairs? (repairs) b. When I woke up, . . . the woman from the airline was walking away from the gate (I woke up / was walking away CCQs: Which action started first, the woman walking away or traveler waking up? (woman walking away) Is traveler still sleeping when the woman was walking away? (No) Which action was completed? (the traveler waking up) c. I was reading the last few pages when I suddenly heard the last call from my flight (I was reading / I suddenly heard) CCQs; Did the traveler stop reading the book when she heard the call for the flight? (Y) Did the call interrupt her reading? (Y) The timelines are visual CCQs to clarify meaning about past simple (as something that happened and ended in the past (add "ed" or irregular verb that changes form), and past continuous something that started in the past and continues in the present (subject + to be + ing), or is interrupted past continuous, as and activity that was started in the past and was in progress, but interrupted by a single completed action in the past.) * 2nd slide: T asks Ss to take a moment to identify the correct verb form of each word and write them down if needed. T send Ss to BOR to discuss answers in pairs for (2 mins) T conduct OCFB to have students check answers (1 min) and reviews pronunciation by drilling and asking How many syllables and where the stress is? T speaks the words and drills the students individually and as a group. 1. Got = PS (irregular verb as word changes vs. adding "ed") 2. Were doing = PC (subject +present tense to be (were) + verb(ing) doing) 3. Woke up = Past Simple (see #1 - irregular verb) 4. Was walking = PC 5. Was reading = PC 6. Heard = PS (irregular verb) T asks Ss the form for each: past simple (as something that happened and ended in the past (add "ed" or irregular verb that changes form), and past continuous something that started in the past and continues in the present (subject + to be + ing), explains interrupted past continuous, as and activity that was started in the past and was in progress, but interrupted by a single completed action in the past.)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T asks Ss to copy take 2 minutes to individually answer the questions and write them down, and then share with their pair via private chat for 3 minutes Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous for of the verbs: 1. They stopped him while he ______ through security and ________ all his bags, so he missed the flight (go, search) 2. This baby ______ screaming when we were taking off and it ______ during the whole flight. It was a nightmare. (start, not stop) 3. It was so stupid. I _______ where I was going and I _______ into a lamppost (not look, walk) 4. Oh no! __________? (anyone watch) 5. I was going through arrivals hall at Madrid airport and these people were taking photos of me, which I thought was strange. Then I ________, round and I realized this famous actress, Penelope Cruz, ___________ behind me? (turn, walk) T conducts OCFB for 2 minutes where to showing answers and asks students to check if they were correct.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks students to think about a time they were late for something important T sends Ss to BOR to discuss this situation in pairs for 5 minutes T conducts Feedback and DEC to ensure students are comfortable with the TL and grammar and to praise them (2 mins)

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