Estefania Estefania

Traveling verbs and phrases
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will encounter the new topic of transportation and its vocabulary. They will learn new prepositions, phrases, verbs and the proper way of saying how they travel every day from one place to another. Students will listen to an audio about how different people travel to work, they will practice listening for gist and for details by answering the tasks, (for example filling the gaps). At the end they will practice some speaking skills, using the new lexis they have learnt


Abc Audio

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice traveling verbs and phrases (travel by/on) in the context of daily transportation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of transport lexis like prepositions in the context of daily transportation.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • The purpose is to contextualize the lesson.

The learners will answer the next question "How do you travel every day?" in order for them to have an idea that this lesson will be about transportation, I will provide my example (how I travel every day) and I will give them a written prompt to follow (ex. I usually travel by____) so they can answer the question.

Text work (gist + intensive task) (8 minutes) • The purpose is to ask students to identify the TL.

In this section students will listen the audio for he first time, the audio is about a new's reporter who is interviewing people on how they usually travel to work and on how they are traveling today. After listening the audio, students will answer the first task (gist) matching pictures and they will answer the second task (intensive task) choosing the correct information. Both tasks will be answered individually, after answering, they will go into breakout rooms to check their answers with a peer, and then we will check the answers together and I will give some feedback.

Language clarification (10-12 minutes) • The purpose is to clarify the TL.

Students will learn new ways of use of prepositions (by, on, in), covering meaning, form and pronunciation. This will help students to communicate in a correct way to express their ideas about transport, achieving the main aim "To introduce and practice traveling verbs and phrases (travel by/on) in the context of daily transportation". After learning these prepositions and when to use them, students will know how to answer the next tasks and questions.

Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • The purpose is accuracy

In this section students will answer the task by filling the gaps with the correct words and prepositions the five sentences require. The learners will do this individually and then check in pairs, we will check the answers all together after and I will give some feedback. With this activity I will check that students have understood the concepts (lexis and verbs) so they can answer the freer practice.

Freer Practice (8 minutes) • The purpose is fluency

Here, students will have the chance to practice what they learnt by answering some questions (all together) about the audio and about their experiences for example "Are there any trains today?", "Have you been on a train before?", "When did she leave home?", "What time did you usually leave your house before covid-19?"...etc. I will monitor and make notes of any errors with the TL, I will correct them by writing their mistake on the jamboard with the correct form with some feedback.

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