Yesenia Yesenia

TP 2 LP_Yesenia Venegas
Upper intermediate level


Using collocations in relation to time and money. Students will learn the correct usage of the collocations, go over meaning, and pronunciation. They will have varies activities to practice the correct usage of the collocations.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce the correct usage of collocations to do with time and money.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice fluency with usage of colloctions with time and money through speaking.


Lead-In (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows a picture to SS to introduce the topic about time and money. T asks Ss two questions. 1. Is time money? 2. Is money time? T asks Ss to discuss the questions with a partner. T shares link of the picture with Ss so they can view questions as they discuss. T checks breaker rooms as they discuss topic. Sharing Ss share what they discussed with their partners with T and the rest of the Ss.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows a short text using collocations with time and money. S will read the text and answer two true and false questions. 1. Is text talking about money? 2. Is text talking about time? S and s will go over answers with a partner. T and S will check the answers together.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shows a short text using collocations with time and money. S will read the text and answer two true and false questions. 1. Is text talking about money? 2. Is text talking about time? S and s will go over answers with a partner. T and S will check the answers together.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The T will give the meaning of collocations. The T will present a google form to cover the meaning, usage of collocations in relation to time and money, and form in relation to grammar. The T will give an example and explain Ss how they are suppose on activity. S will work on the form on their own and will have 3 minutes to do it. Once they have finished S will be put in pairs S-S to go over the answers. Then we will do whole class feedback and go over answers together. Pronunciation: Teacher will discuss the correct pronunciation with the word Choose the right (/ʧuːz/ ðə /raɪt) and chose the right(/ʧəʊz /ðə /raɪt). We will also discuss the stress of fritter away. This will be presented on google jam board.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will have multiple-choice sentences to choose from. There are 6 sentences with a word at the end of each sentence to be used in a collocation. E. g. He gives a lot of time to his business. Invest A. He invests a lot of time in his business. B. He invested a lot into his business. C. He is investing into time for his business. Students must choose the correct collocation to mean the same as the sentence presented. At the end of the task the students will work in pairs to check answers. 2minutes The teacher will go over each question, asking students to read give their answers. The teacher will call on different students.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will be presented with several collocations on google jam board. They will work in pairs S-S to practice speaking using the collocation in relation to time and money. The teacher will be checking the breaker rooms during their conversations and taking notes. They will have 5 minutes to converse and come up with various ideas. Then we will do WCF to discuss what they came up with.

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