Dalila Miramontes Dalila Miramontes

B1 level


By the end of this lesson the student will be able to identify the different sections of an email. They will also be able to write an email where they will make arrangements.


Main Aims

  • To provide product and process of writing practice an email in the context of making arrangements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about email arrangements


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show an example of an email that asks for a change of plans. Ask students the following questions: What is it? What do you usually write on an email? Do we say hello at the end of an email?

Peer Check (3-4 minutes) • To let students get comfortable talking to each other.

Teacher ask students to discuss the sections of an email: Now let's think about what the parts of an email are. This is not a text message, this is more like a letter, so what are the parts of an email? It should begin with something, right? You need to discuss this with a partner and come up with at least three sections. You have 3 minutes. Begin!

OCFB (2-3 minutes) • To let students give feedback to eachother with the guide of the teacher.

Give the studens some time to talk to each other while helping them eliciting words or phrases.

Vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • To elicit some words that may feel unfamiliar to the students

Teach three words that students may find unfamiliar. Teacher will give the students a short exercise for the students to check three words from the text: Catch up with Cheers Instead Students answer the short task individually. Teacher quickly check the answers with the students.

Exposure/Reading for gist (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in the upcoming task.

Teacher show students two emails sent to the same person by two different people. T explain what they need to read and aswer some questions, then procedes to give them the time they will need to do so.

Language for writing (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

The students will be introduce to the language used when writing an email. Greetings Starting a message Closing a message Signing off A Jamboard document will be provided, and in pairs, the students will organize the phrases accordingly.

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will work individually and will write a short email to any other student or any other person. They can use the same idea to rearrange or put off a meeting. Students will need to use the following: Greeting Starting message Closing message Signing off A Google Docs will be provided

Peer Check (4-6 minutes) • To let the students talk to each other and answers.

Send the students into breakrooms where they will be doing peer check and talk about each other email, maybe they want to add a few ideas, or maybe they can change something, they can also say "I like how you wrote this because..."

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Teacher gives feedback on emails via OCFB, chooses one or two emails and If time allows, students read the emails from other students and try to guess who wrote what.

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