Kumi Matsuzaki Kumi Matsuzaki

Elementary level


Abc Text: Face 2 Face

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice lexis related to health problems (got/feel/have sth, my sth hurts) in the context of describing health problems (a stomach-ache, ill, back, terrible, a headache, arm, toothache, sick, a sore throat, foot, a cold, better, a cough, leg, a temperature)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of health problems in the context of describing health problems.


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Introducing the topic. - Showing a picture related to the CD-3 conversation, and asking questions about a picture to share the common image of it. Q. Where are they? - A. Doctor, hospital Q. Do they look good? or Do they look sick? A. No. 2. Discussion - Asking questions and having students talk about them in pairs. Q. Do you go to the hospital when you are sick?

Text work (8-10 minutes) • To get the gist of text

Read two conversations below and answer the questions. ------------------ 1. S: Hi Rachel. R. Hello, Simon. You don't look very well. Are you OK? S. No, I feel terrible. R: Oh, dear, What's wrong? S: I have a terrible stomach ache. R: Well, maybe you shouldn't go to work today. S: I know, but Emily and I have an important meeting this morning. It's with some people from Morris Computers. R: Well, why don't you call them and cancel it? S: Yes, maybe you're right. We can have the meeting next week instead. R: Good. And then go home. S: Yes, perhaps. R: OK. Bye, Simon. I hope you get better soon. S: Bye, Rachel. Thanks a lot. Hello, is that Chris Morris? Look, I'm sorry, but we can't have our meeting today. I'm mot very well. Yes, next Tuesday morning's fine with me too. 2. Emily: Hi, Tim. Tim: Hi, Emily. Are you alright? E: No, I don't feel very well. T: Oh, dear. What's the matter? E: I've got a headache and a sore throat. T: Why don't you go home? E: I can't. I've got a meeting this morning. It's really important. T: Who's your meeting with? E: Simon, and some people from Morris Computers. T: Well, Simon called about ten minutes ago and left a message. He's ill and he's not coming in today. E: oh, no! T: And the meeting with Morris Computers is next Tuesday morning now. E: Oh, so there isn't a meeting today. That's great. So I can go home. T: Yes. Take the day off. You should be in bed. And don't come to work tomorrow. E: OK. Thanks a lot. T: No problem. Get well soon. E: Thanks, Tim. Bye. --------------------------- T-Ss (Showing the board) You will read two texts, conversations between Simon and Rachel, and Emily and Tim. Answer the following (Y/N) questions on the google form. 1. What's wrong with Simon? A) He has a stomach ache. (Y/N) B) He feels terrible. (Y/N) C) He looks very well. (Y/N) 2. What's wrong with Emily? A) She feels very well. (Y/N) B) She has a sore throat. (Y/N) C) She has a headache. (Y/N) 3. Are they going to the meeting? (Y/N) (Answer key) 1 A) Y, B) Y C) N 2 A) N B) Y C) Y 3 N

Language clarification: MFP-lexis (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the target language

TL: Describing health problem 1. I have a headache/ stomach ache/ sore throat. M: describing the pain on your body F: I have + N (something pain) = a headache + A + N (body parts) = a sore throat P: I have a HEADACHE. a SORE THROAT. 2. My throat hurts. M: describing the body parts of pain. F: My sth( body parts) + hurt/hurts. P: My THROAT HURTS. 3. I feel terrible. M: describing your feeling and health condition F: I feel + A ( terrible, sick, well, ill) P: I feel TERRIBLE.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • to use TL with accuracy

Activity: matching the words and making sentences Provide pictures and vocabulary. Students fill out the gaps. Students work individually on google forms and work in pairs to check the answer. OCFB. T: Look at the board, and complete the sentences. First, you work individually on Google form. for 2min. Then, I will send you a breakout room and check the answer with partners. T: OCFB. Let's check the answer. Elicit answers from students.

Free practice: (half controlled) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to produce language

Students describing health problems you have now or you had before. If you don't have one, you can talk about your family, friends, or pretend you have one. They can choose vocabulary from the board, too. And have conversations about their illness. Procedures: - describing health problem - free talk e.g. give advice ask more details T-Ss: Now talking about your health problems. -anything you have now, or you had before -you can pretend to be sick -you can talk about your family or friends. Then, develop your conversation by asking such as - what the matter?/ Why? ( more details) - you should (give advice) You can choose vocabulary from the list or you can use your own. You will have 1 min for preparation before working in pair. S: preparation S-S: talking about the health problem (monitor discussion) T-Ss: OCFB

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