Reading Lesson
Pre-Intermediate A2/B1 level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced sub-skill reading for gist and detailed comprehension by reading a magazine article in the context of changing bodies.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced speaking for fluency by reading a magazine article in the context of changing bodies.
Procedure (26-46 minutes)
The lesson starts with the transition from the first lesson. And a question will be asked. "In the first lesson, we have discussed about physical appearance and looks. What do you think about these pictures? Elicit: I read fashion magazines. I like the girls at the front cover. Who these girls are? (Cover girls) Use CCQs if needed: Is it a magazine? Yes. --Are these photographs of girls? Yes-- Is it a cover page? Yes So these are....cover girls. How do these cover girls look?
Students will see the two pictures of Alesha Dixon given in the book. And the following questions (exercise 1) will be asked. (Note: simplify the questions and make them short.) She is my friend Alesha Dixon. Can you see any difference? Now check your handout. Activity 1. 1. Why do you think the photos look different? 2. Do you read fashion magazines? Or watch programmes about celebrities? 3. Why? Discuss it with your friends. Note: Pair/Group depends on the number of students. Instruction: 1.--Discuss 2.--With your friend 3.--3 minutes Check: 1. ICQ ...hand gestures 2. How many minutes? (3) Pair (Open BORs--3 minutes) Monitor: whether students are doing the right task. Get feedback.
Students will be given teacher-made matching definitions activity. (exercise 2) Exercise 2: Match the bold words in column A with the definitions in column B. Instruction: 1.--Matching vocabulary 2.--5 minutes 3.--in groups Check: 1. You will do.... 2. How many minutes? (5) Note: Group depends on the number of students. Group (Open BORs--5 minutes) Monitor: whether students are doing the right task. Get feedback. Confirm answers with the students. 1-h, 2-g, 3-f, 4-e, 5-i, 6-b, 7-a, 8-d, 9-c
First set the clear task then introduce the text. Now look at these questions: Find out what was Alesha Dixon’s TV programme about? What does the writer feel about celebrity magazines and young people?'' Give them time to read the questions. You will read a magazine article by Maggie Greene. She is discussing Alesha Dixon's investigations. ''Now look at Exercise 3 in your handout. Read the text quickly. Focus on to these questions only. Find the answers. You will have 2 minutes. Read here Now check your answers with your friend. Instruction: 1.Discuss the answers 2.--In group 3.--2 minutes Check: 1. You will write or discuss? 3.How many minutes? (2) (Open BORs--2 minutes. Monitor: whether students are doing the right task. Get feedback. (2 minutes) Do not tell the correct answer or confirm at this stage. Discuss it after the detailed task to make a wrap up.
Exercise 3 given in the book is boring according to the learners' preferred style. Therefore, I have adapted this activity, so that the text would be fully exploited and students will enjoy doing the activity. Activity 4 is the drag to order the sentences activity. Inform students: Now look here at Activity 4. Here are 9 sentences. Drag and order them. (Model by dragging two sentences). Check this in your handouts. Instruction: 1.Now read the text again in detail 2--drag and order 3.--in pairs 4.--10 minutes. Check: 1. You will.... 2. How many minutes? (10) 3. --in pairs (3 students). (Open BORs) Note: Pair/Group work depends on the number of students. Monitor: whether students are doing the right task. Get feedback and confirm the answers. (5 minutes) 1. Tall and slim; 2-I was horrified; 3-people ; 4-During ; 5-She found; 6-There is pressure; 7--In my opinion; 8-The evidence; 9--Many of them are
To create a transition and ask the gist task questions. 1-What was Alesha Dixon’s TV programme about? 2.-What does the writer feel about celebrity magazines and young people? Get feedback and confirm answers. I have adapted exercise 4 and split it into speaking and a reading task. There are 3 prompts given in the book, I am using only 2 here. The third prompt is adapted to make it a writing task Let's discuss: What do you think? People look better when they are natural and unchanged. Airbrushing photos for magazines is always wrong. Instruction: 1. --Discuss 2. --in pairs 3. --5 minutes Check: 1. You will...hand gestures(talk) 2. How many minutes? (5) (Note: Pair/ Group work depends on the number of students) Pair work. (Open BORs--5 ) Monitor: Fluency in speaking. If time allows then move on to the next activity. Otherwise, ask them to do this after the class.
The third prompt in exercise 4 is adapted here according to the learners' preferred style and to make some variety. These are two open-ended questions. What is your opinion about celebrity magazines? Do you think that young people are desperate to be like the pictures they see in magazines? Ask students to write and share their opinions on the padlet. We have discussed, now share it with the whole class. When you click this link, you will see this window. Click this pink plus and start writing. Write your names in the title. You can upload pictures to support your ideas. And also you can make comments on each others' posts.