Global issues -Vocabulary-Speaking.
A2 level
Main Aims
Sts will learn about vocabulary of "Global issues"
Subsidiary Aims
Practice speaking skills based on "accuracy"
Procedure (38-59 minutes)
Sts will see some photos about the global issues and let them guess about the lesson
Genetically modified crops. Are genetically these kinds of crops natural ? Do the scientists change their genes? Do they contain chemicals? Are they good for people's health? Global warming Is it a problem of Turkey only? Is it one of the reason of fire forest ? Does it have an effect on the weather? Poverty Does it mean you have money ? Does it mean you don't have money? Another CCQ's will be a competition between two groups every group will take two minutes to put the head lines of the newspaper in front of the right global issue
Chorally four times then,individual" pick few sts" group"A" then "B" .To check pronunciation
I will ask some questions to check CCQ'S
I will give sts two minutes to copy the new vocabulary
Every student will a get a sheet of paper written on sentence on it .They will be asked to go around the classroom and find the answer of four questions that are stuck on walls.Then sts sit in pairs"PW" to check their answers and in groups "GW" finally, WCFB.
Sts will be asked to put the global issues in order the most dangerous to the least dangerous .Sts will start individually after one minute I will ask them to speak in pairs "PW" to check their answers(I will tell them there is not any right or wrong answer on this activity).Then ,they will be divided into two groups"GW" to discuss about the order of the issues finally ,they will mingle as the WC
monitor the sts during the speaking task to know their errors and encourage the to evolve in the activity .The feedback from sts as "WC" and will correct their errors at the end of class as the task is freer task "fluency' .