Farzad Tabrizi Farzad Tabrizi

TP07-Farzad-Tabrizi-CELTA-IH Mexico
Upper-Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide students with the review and practice of the second conditional in the context of a short conversation between a couple talking about changes they'd make to their house and life if they had money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with fluency speaking practice in a conversation with partner(s) in the context of "what would they do if ..." based on some provided topics for this purpose.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• Ss will look at some pictures. Ss can see and read the following lines beside the pictures. T wants students to read the sentences and give their guesses • As the Ss guess, T takes notes of their guesses for the next step

Text work - gist (2-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

• T shows the story on the screen and wants the Ss to read to see if their guess was correct or close. T gives around 1 minute for this • T shows the taken notes from the previous part and highlights the correct or close ones

Text work - intensive (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with a task to draw their attention to the target language

• T shows a question on the screen where Ss should count the number of sentences that contain "would" or "would not" • Ss will have 1 minute to do that, including cheching with their partner • T conducts OCFB by a google jamboard file where not only Ss can see the the number of the sentences but also the cases have been underlined.

MFPA stage (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with the MFP of the TL

• Ss will answer a couple of questions with their partner through which they will discover the meaning and form of the second conditional sentences (Detail of their practice and questions can be found in the google forms file with this link: https://forms.gle/xpDVxfrtVrzqo3ss7 (Focus is on one form and one sentence of the sample text, due to 45 minute time limit of the class) • T will conduct the OCFB for this part and elicits the answers from the Ss then P will be dealt with • Ss will see a google slide file with this sentence on it "If we had a lot of money, would you buy a new house?" then linking of the sounds in connected speech will be practiced as the pronunciation part

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice and consolidate what they reviewed and learned in the MFPA

• Ss will be sent to breakout rooms to answer a set of CP questions provided on a google forms file with the following link https://forms.gle/yJLEvJCGpPPRaGMb6 • OCFB will be conducted

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To give students the opportunity to use the TL to practice speaking for fluency

• Ss will be given three topics to talk about with their partner. Link to the google docs file containing the topics can be found here "https://docs.google.com/document/d/15RujIsxV9Ikmj19Pjbz_fCZ6mzp2iK7HHYcTNq4p7-k/edit?usp=sharing" • T gives 4-5 minutes. While they are talking T observes and takes note, then OCFB and DEC

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