Rogelio Miguel Espino Nuño Rogelio Miguel Espino Nuño

TP8 Roger
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will be provided with writing practice of a friendly email inviting a friend from another country to visit you. Also, the students will learn new lexis for friendly emails.


Abc Google Jamboard
Abc Self-made slides
Abc Breakout Rooms
Abc Self-made documents
Abc Self-made slides
Abc Self-made slides

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide writing practice of an email inviting friends from another country to visit you.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and gist reading practice using an email inviting friends in another country to visit you
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about friendly emails in the context of inviting a friend to visit you.
  • To provide clarification and practice of friendly email lexis in the context of inviting a friend to visit you.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• T shares the screen to show a photo of a friend. T makes the following questions: Who is she? How can I contact her if I only have her email address? Students share their answers in the chat. • Instructions: Write in the chat your answers. • T provides a Jamboard for a brainstorm. Students write their ideas about "How would you invite Nina to visit you?" on their Jamboard. 2 minutes. • Instructions: Write their ideas about "How would you invite Nina to visit you?" on their Jamboard. 2 minutes. • T conducts OCFB by reading to a few contributions.

Sample Analysis (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

• T shares a screen for visual support for the layout of an email sent to a friend in another country. Students read the email to Nina. 1 minute. • T asks students about the content of the email to engage students to the context of the friendly emails. 1 minute. • T shares a screen for visual support for the layout with the missing parts of the email. Students discuss in pairs the correct answers into breakout rooms. 2 minutes. • Instructions: Discuss in pairs the correct answers into breakout rooms. 2 minutes. • T asks the student to share their answers in the chat. Teacher demos the activity for the answer key. • Instructions: Write in the chat what is number 1. • T conducts OCFB by providing an answer key for the layout. • T shares a screen for visual support. T shows 3 parts of the email in a Slide to cover the MEANING of the target lesson. • Students choose one sentence and they put in the corresponding place. T elicits and asks students to answer the task and cover the MEANING. Example What are other expressions for greetings? HEY, HELLO, DEAR... Do we use the greeting to say goodbye or to introduce the email? INTRODUCE THE EMAIL. • T asks eliciting questions to cover the FORM and APPROPRIACY of the target language. • Instructions: What is the part of the phrase you can't change? HI Is it a formal or informal phrase? INFORMAL Can you write The Greetings at the end of the email? NO, YOU CAN'T • T nominates students to give the correct answer.

Productive Task (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

• T provides a Google Document to have students write an email to a friend from another country to visit them. T demos the activity and monitors all the time during the task. 18 minutes. Individual. • Instructions: Write an email to a friend from another country to visit you. 18 minutes. • Students write the email. 18 minutes. • T monitors the students during the task. • T conducts OCFB by listening to a few contributions.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

• T shares a CHECKLIST for students. The students check their partner's email into breakout rooms by using the CHECKLIST. 3 minutes. • Instructions: Check your partner’s email into breakout rooms. Use the CHECKLIST. 3 minutes. • Students report their discussion, they report if they achieved the outcome, or/and if their experience in the task was funny or interesting. 3 minutes. • T writes on the screen samples of students' errors and encourages them to notice and correct the mistakes. If it is necessary • T conducts OCFB.of the lesson.

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