Muktar Hirsi Muktar Hirsi

Upper-intermediate level


Abc jamboard
Abc Google Forms
Abc Checklist in Google Forms
Abc TP6 Lesson PowerPoint

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short email (75 words) inviting a friend (in another country) to visit you.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for recognizing and identifying the purpose of an informal email is sent to a friend and structure 4 simple parts of an informal email and the language appropriate for an informal email as well as the meaning of “subject” of an email. To help students recall a few useful words (lexis) such as “How’s it going?” and “wanna visit,” etc. to write an informal email.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • The purpose is to contextualize the lesson.

Share with students jam board link. Ask students to match correctly each example into ‘formal’ or ‘informal’ categories. (3 minutes) FORMAL: An email to a customer. A job application. An email to your manager. A complaint to a shop. An email to your professor. INFORMAL: A birthday greeting to a colleague. An email to a colleague who is also a good friend. A social invitation to a friend. An email with a link to a funny YouTube clip. A message to a friend on a social networking site. Allow students to share their answers and give the correct answers. (3 minutes)

Text analysis (8-10 minutes) • Ss identify the sections of the piece of writing. Ss identify language used in the piece of writing.

Share with Ss Google Form link of your own example of an email, then ask Ss to answer the questions. (4 minutes) 1. When was the email sent? August 20, 2020 2. What is the subject of this email? Visit Columbus, OH USA 3. Why did Muktar write this email to Tim? to invite Tim to visit Muktar. 4. Identify the language of this email formal or Informal? Informal Ask students to compare their answers in a breakout room. (3 minutes) Go over the correct answers with them. (2 minutes)

Writing (20-22 minutes) • The purpose is to provide students the opportunity to write their own emails. To practice writing a short email (75 words) inviting friends (in another country) to visit.

Ask students to read to themselves. (2 minutes) Give an example of an email that you wrote to your friend Tim from Toronto, Canada. Dear Tim, How’s it going? It was such a pleasure to see you here in Columbus, OH last summer. I can't believe how time goes by so fast! It feels like just yesterday that you were here. :), let me know if you wanna visit me again soon! I have a room always available for you. Please let me know what you think! Is there a time that might work best for you? Looking forward to seeing you soon! Muktar 1) Give students 12 minutes to write their own individual emails inviting a friend in another country to visit. 1. Write the subject of your email (For example: Visit Exciting Mexico City!) 2. Hello (Begin) a. Think of the name of one friend from another country (For example; Pa, Venus, John) b. Write hello or hi to your friend (For example: Hi Venus!) 3. Invite/the most important part a. WHEN do you want your friend to visit? Write that down. b. WHERE do you want your friend to visIt? Write that down. c. Write your WHEN and WHERE into sentences. (For example: Visit me in the USA in October.) 4. Goodbye (End): Finish your email with a nice goodbye (Talk to you soon, Adios, etc.), and write your name 2) Ask students to copy their text and paste in a private message chat for their partners to see it. 3) Ss take 4 minutes to read their partner’s email and make notes of any errors and mistakes they notice.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • The purpose is to allow students to give content feedback on their emails (informal email) and to give and receive language feedback.

Ask students to send you their emails individually via private chat. Send students the link to the checklist in Google forms: ( 1) Go back to your email and check for everything on the checklist. ( 4 minutes) 2) Give Ss 5 minutes in a breakout room to go over the checklist, with their partner. 3) Then we’ll come back together as a whole class for feedback. 4) T addresses good language and errors noted while monitoring in breakout rooms and shares 1-2 of the best texts with the class.

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