Teaching Practice 8
Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced reading for gist and detailed information.
Subsidiary Aims
-Learners will have also discovered the MFP of five new lexical items. - Learners will have also practice their speaking for fluency during the post-task discussion
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
-T show a picture of a car accident to SS. - T asks SS to identify the picture. -T elicit 1 or 2 responses from SS - T informs asks SS to discuss in pairs what they believed could have caused the accident. -SS discuss for 2 mins. T visit breakout rooms to monitor -T return SS to main room once 2 minute passes.
- T instruct SS: Click on link the the chat and complete Jamboard. - T pastes link to 1st Jamboard with pictures and words learners need to match and assign it to two specific learners. - T pastes link to 2nd Jamboard with pictures and words learners need to match and assign it to the remaining learners. - SS complete Jamboard with their partners -Once completed, T shares Jamboard answer key -T conducts MFP for each word. Meaning: Tailgate – when a person drives too close to the person driving in front of them. Gesture – a non-verbal action, usually with your hands. Honk – pressing the middle part of your steering wheel, to make a sound noise alerting others drivers when something is wrong. Blind Spot - when a car is on your right or left, but you cannot see them or you need on the regular rearview mirror. Multitasking – doing other things like eating or talking/texting on the phone while driving. -T asks CCQs for the three lexis below -T Tailgating – Is this when a car is driving very close to the car in front of them? -SS answers Yes -T Blind Spot – Can you see the car next to you easily? -SS No -T Gesture – Are you angry or happy when you do this? -SS Angry -T can you do this with your hands or face? -SS both Problem and Solution with Meaning: P: Learners may think these words are only appropriate in this context. S: Explain although these words are usually used in the context of driving, they can be used on other contexts. Form: Tailgate (verb) Gesture (noun) Honk (verb) Blind Spot (noun) Multitasking (gerund) -T asks the form related CCQ's below: -T Can the verbs be conjugated to other tenses? -SS Yes -T Is the gerund used as a noun? -SS No Problems and Solutions with form: P: Learners may think ‘multitasking’ is progressive form of the verb. S: Remind them that although it can be used as the progressive form of the verb in other contexts, in the context of this text, it’s used as a gerund. Also remind them that gerunds are considered nouns in a sentence. P: Learners realize that the verbs can be conjugated to different tenses depending on the context. S: Demonstrate that they can be conjugated to past, present, future, ect. depending on the context. Pronunciation: Tailgate /ˈteɪlˌgeɪt/ Gesture /ˈʤɛsʧər/ Honk /hɑŋk/ Blind Spot /blaɪnd spɑt/ Multitasking /ˈmʌltiˌtæskɪŋ/ -T asks SS the CCQ below -T Where is the stress in each words? -T conducts repetition and drilling for each words. First as a whole class, then individually. Problem and Solutions with Pronunciation P: Learners may not be sure which syllable to stress. S: Refer them to the dots and remind them to use intonations when they see them P: Learners may sound out the ‘e’ in tailgate and gesture and not realize that it’s silent. S: cross out the ‘e’ to demonstrate that it’s silent. Also conduct repetition and drilling both as a class and individually.
- T instructs SS: You are going to read a text. Predict some ideas that will be mentioned in the text. - T elicit responses from SS. Do you think it will be about cars accidents? -SS share their predictions - T writes top three predictions on the screen. -T Instructions: Now, read to the text, Pay attention to the gist. What are some tips for good defensive driving? -T shares screen and show text on the screen -SS read the text -T checks their predictions assure they are correct -T instructs: click on link in the chat. Complete form. Do not submit. Compare with a partner when finished. -T selects pairs and write it in the chat -Once finished, T shares answer key with SS -T conducts OCFB
-T instructs SS: Read it again. This time read for detailed information. Then click on the link in the chat. Complete the form. DO NOT submit when finished. Compare answers. T-posts link in the chat -T shares screen. -SS read text again. - T writes names of new pairs in the chat while SS read -SS compares answers in the chat. -T shares answer key with SS -T conducts OCFB to clarify answers
-T instructs: Now in the breakout room with a partner, discuss these two questions. 1) Which bad driving habits do you think are the most dangerous? 2) Which of the safe driving tips do you practice? -T demos I think multitasking is the most dangerous, because the person is not paying attention. -T rotates from room to room assuring students understand the task and answer any questions. -T write in 1 minute marker in the breakout room chat -SS return to main room. -Each group complete the present why they made those choices -T elicit responses from individual SS about their responses. -Which habit do you think is the most dangerous, Gabo? -SS share their responses
-T shares specific praises. I heard great use of the target language (i.e. Zaira you said someone was tailgating me and almost hit me, that's a great use of the TL in past continuous). -T conducts OCFB -T writes about three errors she heard during monitoring of the final task on the board -T elicit correct responses from learners -T clarifies correct responses -T conducts Delayed Error Correction by eliciting responses from SS (i.e. Gabo, you said I pressed my honk to alert the driver. Is honk a verb or a noun? What is the part that you press to honk?