Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of inviting, accepting and declining
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text in the context of making , accepting and declining invitations.
Procedure (37-43 minutes)
To set up the context. T will share a question on Jamboard : When was the last time you went out? If T has more than three students, he will send them to the Breakoutrooms and they have to practice for 2 minutes, If T only has 2 students, they will practice on the main screen, , T will nominate ss and elicit answers
Ss will read a text on Google docs. The text is about a person who is throwing a birthday party, he invites his friends, two of them accept the invitation and two of them decline the invitation. Ss will see that the text has sentences in different colours. Ss will read the text and identify What colour represents making an invitation...? accepting an invitation? declining invitation? T will give OCFP
T will show some expressions from the previous conversation (Would you like to, I was wondering if you'd like, sorry! I´m busy that day) on Google form, Ss have to read and choose the definition of the expression, after the Ss will see the 3 words taken from the expressions and they have to identify if the words are modals adjectives, verbs and for pronunciation, Ss will match the words with the correct phonetic symbols. Ss will work in pairs. Then T will give OCFB
Role playing T will present different situations on Google docs. Ss in pairs will choose different situations and they have to role-play them making, accepting and declining invitations. Ss will practice at least 3 times if time allows with different peers on the Breakout rooms. T will model and example of the speaking task During the practice T will monitor the students on the breakoutrooms and provide help if it is needed.
T will provide Ss with feedback on language based on the monitoring of the task.