That's A Good Idea, Vocabulary / Business
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Business words in the context of Apprenticeship, A Reality TV Show, Competition for the Job
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about A Reality TV Show about Business in the context of job interview, apprenticeship, competition, TV show
Procedure (37-51 minutes)
- Start the lesson with a reality TV game show named "The Biggest Loser" and instruct them to watch the video and tell you what it is about. -After the students see the TV show let them discuss in pairs ask these questions and encourage them to speak about it :" -Who are these people? -What do they compete for? -Do you have the adapted versions in your country?"
-Pre-teach the words "apprentice", "contestant", "empire" and "fire". -In order to teach apprentice first set a context and tell that you have just graduated and need to work with experienced people to be trained and to learn the job. As you are at the beginning of your career your salary is also low. - Provide CCQ asking these questions: " 1.Is an apprentice a learner or a master? 2.Does an apprentice get low salary or high? 3.Is the main purpose of being an apprentice learning or teaching? -Drill the word with the students both in groups and individually. -Write down the word on the board and emphasize the stress giving the form of speech (n) -As for the "contestant", show the picture of the contestants of TV contest named "Survivor" which is quite popular in Turkey and ask who these people are and what are their positions in the competitions. -Provide CCQ with the following questions: 1. Do these people compete with each other or against each other? 2. Do they compete for a prize? -Drill the word with the students both in groups and individually. -Write down the word on the board and emphasize the stress giving the form of speech (n). -To teach the word empire, elicit the meaning of the word asking what the name of the government was before Turkish Republic was founded. -Elicit the word "empire" from the students and ask them to think about an empire of business and what could the features of it be. -Provide CCQ with the questions below: 1. Is it a small shop or a very large organization? 2. Do people owning a business empire have one company or many companies? -Drill the word with the students both in groups and individually. -Write down the word on the board and emphasize the stress giving the form of speech (n). -As for the last word "fire", show a picture of a cartoon depicting a man and a door with the sentences "Guess what? "You are fired?" -After eliciting the meaning of it provide CCQ: 1. Does your job end or continue when you get fired from a job? 2. When you get fired do people remove you or do you quit the job? -Drill the word with the students both in groups and individually again. -Write down the word on the board and emphasize the stress giving the form of speech (v).
-Show some pictures of the programme titled "The Apprentice" and get the students guess what could be the text about. -Let them discuss with their partners first and then give feedback.
-Get the students have a quick look at the text and tell them check their predictions about it with their partners and give some time. -Give feedback after reading for gist.
-Divide the students into 2 or 3 groups.(According to the number of the SS) -Tell the SS that each group is going to change 2 sentences from the text into the false statements and write them on the flashcards. -Provide a demo reflecting the text on the board. -Give them 3-4 mins. in order to complete the sentences. -After they finish, ask them to give those cards to you and distribute the cards mixing it to the different groups. -The students are going to correct the false statements with their group mates. -Provide F/B with each group separately.
-Give the fill-in handouts to the ss and instruct them to complete the questions with words from the box. -Let them do the activity in pairs. - Give them some time to finish and then tell them one of the pairs can check the answer key which is outside on the board, come back and gives the answers to his/her pair. -The pairs finishing first gets the prize. (Chocolate)
-Students are going to work in pairs. -Ask them if they would apply to be on a programme like this or not. -Give them 2-3 mins. for discussing the answer and the reasons. -After they finish discussing ask their partners' opinions about it and provide F/B.