Rogelio Miguel Espino Nuño Rogelio Miguel Espino Nuño

TP6 Roger
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will review and practice four relative pronouns. The students will practice gist listening by using a text in the context of celebrations. As well, the students will practice writing and speaking skills during the task of the lesson.


Abc Breakout Rooms
Abc New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Students Book
Abc Self-made forms
Abc Self-made slides
Abc Self-made slides
Abc Self-made slides

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of relative pronouns clauses in the context of celebrations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about relative pronouns clauses in the context of celebrations
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of celebrations
  • To provide deduction reading practice using a text about relative pronouns clauses in the context of celebrations


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares the screen to show two pictures and asks students to discuss some questions: Have you heard of these celebrations? What do you know about them? Students work in pairs/groups in breakout rooms and discuss. • Instructions: Discuss with your partners these questions. You have 2 minutes. • ICQs: Do I discuss these celebrations or my favorite celebration? THOSE CELEBRATIONS Do I have 1 or 2 minutes? 2 T conducts OCFB by listening to a few contributions.

Presentation through the text (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

• T shares a screen for visual support. Show a conversation about deciding what to do. Have the students listen to a record fo some celebrations. Students choose the phrase they listen to fill the gaps. 2 minutes. • T provides a Google Form for the task. • Instructions: Listen to the record and choose the phrase you listen to fill the gaps in the Google Form. 2 minutes. Individual • ICQs: Do we read the conversation or listen to the record to complete the text? LISTEN Do we listen to answer some questions or to find the corresponding phrases from the box? TO FIND PHRASES FROM THE BOX. • Have students discuss their answers into breakout rooms. • Instructions: Discuss your answers with your pair. 2 minutes. • ICQs: Do you discuss your answers or read the text again? DISCUSS ANSWERS Do I have 5 minutes or 2 minutes? 2 MINUTES • T conducts OCFB by providing an answer key.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

• T shares a screen for visual support. T shows 4 sentences in a chart to cover the MEANING of the target lesson. • T clarifies MEANING by using CCQs in a chart. Example Does the word “which” refer to Children’s Day or Boys’ Day? CHILDREN’S DAY Where has Children’s Day been a holiday since 1975? KOREA • T asks eliciting questions to cover FORM. Students tell T if the relative pronoun is for things, people, places, or time. • Instructions: Is when for things or places? PLACES • T covers PRONUNCIATION asking students the sound of the corresponding relative pronoun. Also, students discover the stress word in the sentence. • Instructions: What is the stress word in the sentence? Example: x x x x x x x x x x Children’s Day on May 5th, which used to be known as “Boys’ Day” wɪʧ • T nominates students to give the correct answer.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

• T provides a Google Form to choose the correct relative pronoun, only if necessary. 2 minutes. Individual. • Students answer individually • Instructions: Choose the correct relative pronoun, only if necessary. 2 minutes. Individual. • ICQs: Do we choose the correct relative pronoun or the correct adverb? CORRECT RELATIVE PRONOUN Do we choose a relative pronoun only if necessary or every sentence needs a relative pronoun? ONLY IF NECESSARY • T conducts OCFB by checking the wrong answers with the class. • T have students answer what the sentences ask. Individual. • Instruction: Write the answers for each sentence. 3 minutes. • ICQs: Do we answer the sentences or write 10 similar sentences? ANSWER SENTENCES Do we write our answers or we have to memorize them? WRITE OUR ANSWER. • Students answer.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

• T shares a screen for visual support. T asks students to share their answers to a partner/ group. Answer using a relative clause. • Instructions: Discuss with your partners your answers. Answer using a relative clause. You have 5 minutes. • ICQs: Do I discuss my answers or what a I learned today? MY ANSWERS Do I answer using a relative clause or using adverbs of frequency? RELATIVE CLAUSE • T conducts OCFB and asks for interesting information. • T writes on the screen samples of students' errors and encourages them to notice and correct the mistakes. • T conducts OCFB.

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