TP6 - Writing
Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice of writing a (short) review of a film / book they have seen / read
Subsidiary Aims
To understand the correct appropriacy of written langauge
To practice being able to give opinions in written form
To practice using adjectives correctly
Procedure (36-44 minutes)
To set the context of the lesson I will ask students if they have watched any films recently or read any books recently and ask them to tell me about them briefly. With what has happened due to the current pandemic people would have had more time to watch films or read books, I feel this will be a a fruitful conversation. We will discuss this together as a class.
I will share with students my own film review that I have produced. I will read through it with them and elicit from them what they think the aim of each paragraph is. We will then cover the level of appropriacy of that language which is used throughout the film review. We will complete this together as a class and have short group discussions.
I will give students an allotted time to produce their own review using the review they have already seen as a template. Students should try to follow the template of my review as best as they can.
I will provide students with a checklist of attributes that their review should contain. I will send students into breakout rooms where they will peer review each others work by using the checklist.