Michelle Michelle

Loke Wei Lin Michelle TP2
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students are to practice and revise adjectives for feelings.


Abc Navigate Course Book with video B1 Pre-intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjectives for feelings with students.
  • To provide clarification of meaning, form, and pronunciation of challenging words: Nervous, Exhausted, Guilty, Excited, Calm, Angry to improve student’s comprehension of the lesson.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice to become better communicators.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students opportunity to make connection between classroom learning and the real world.
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about feelings


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T to Ss The teacher will use TP 2 Jamboard for presentation. The teacher will welcome students to the lesson and set an open and conducive learning environment tone. T to Ss The teacher will highlight the lesson objectives to the students to prepare them for learning ahead: 1) Practice adjectives for feelings 2) Discuss about our feelings 3) Make the connections between learning and apply it to the real-world context. T to Ss The teacher will use TP 2 Jamboard to show the students a photograph with 15 TL adjectives. The teacher will instruct students to: 1) Match the adjectives to the photograph It is predicted that students will relate to the photograph easily and be able to confidently answer that the photograph depicts scared, nervous, confused, stressed, anxious feelings. 2) Get students to share a moment when something nervous/ frightening had happened to them to get their personal response. (Open class discussion) If no one responds, the teacher will nominate 2-3 learners to share their scared/ nervous experiences and feelings.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T to Ss The teacher will use TP 2 Jamboard to will read aloud 8 sentences. The teacher will instruct students to complete two questions based on the TL and Gist task on Google Form (TP 2 Google Form Gist Task). Ss to Ss Ss will answer individually and then sent to breakout rooms to discuss TP2 Google Form Gist Task answers. T to Ss Teachers will conduct USE tp 2 Jamboard to conduct a OCFB to discuss answers with the class and feedback. The teacher will nominate students to share their answers. Tone of Teacher will be open and encouraging to motivate Ss to ask questions and learn

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T to Ss Teacher to teach meaning, form, and pronunciation of the TL using TP 2 Google Slides Target Adjectives (based on Exercise 1a, pg 28). The teacher will select the adjectives: Nervous, Exhausted, Guilty, Excited, Calm, Angry, to clarify the MPF. This will provide further comprehension skills to assist them in the Controlled Practice task. Ss- Ss Students will read aloud and practice pronunciation with the teacher. The teacher predicts there will be some questions on how to pronounce certain adjectives. The teacher will use audio clips for pronunciation. Nervous 1) CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling?/ negative When a person is nervous, do they bite their nails or show signs they are uncomfortable?/ yes 2) Pronunciation: ˈnəːvəs 3) Form: adjective? Exhausted CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling? / negative Will you feel this way after a long day at work?/ Yes 2) Pronunciation: ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd 3) Form: Adjective Guilty 1) CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling? / Negative Do you feel this way if you had done something wrong?/ Yes 2) Pronunciation: ˈɡɪlti 3) Form: Adjective Excited 1) CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling? /positive Did something good occur? / Yes 2) Pronunciation: ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd 3) Form: Adjective Calm 1) CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling? Am I rapidly moving around?/ No 2) Pronunciation: 'kɑ:m 3) Form: Adjective Angry 1) CCQs Is it a positive or negative feeling? / Negative Would you be smiling?/ No 2) Pronounciation: ˈaŋɡri 3) Form: Adjective

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T to Ss The teacher will use TP 2 Google Forms Controlled Practice to provide a controlled practice of the language to deepen language comprehension and to reinforce learning for the students. Students are instructed to are to complete TP 2 Google Forms Controlled Practice individually, then work in pairs or small groups to discuss their answers in Breakout rooms. Ss to Ss Students will discuss answers and share answers during OCFB The Teacher will use TP 2 Jamboard to discuss answers and feedback to students. The teacher may nominate students if no one answers.

Freer Practice (5-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T to Ss The teacher will adapt (ex 3, pg 28) to create a communicative task for learners to use the language fluently. The teacher will instruct students to discuss a moment when they felt Angry, Excited, Guilty. Ss must start their sentence with I feel ___________ when ___________. The teacher will instruct students to select one adjective and discuss their sentences and feelings in a Zoom Breakout room. The teacher will use Jamboard as a platform for the students to end the lesson by demonstrating their application of new knowledge of the target language by sharing how they are able to apply the adjectives words in a well-constructed sentence.

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