Vikramjit Bal Vikramjit Bal

TP4 LP_Vikramjit Bal
Upper Intermediate, B2 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of language used for likes and dislikes in the context of movies and other activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide inference listening practice using a text about likes and dislikes in the context of weekend activities.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of weekend planning.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets the Ss T introduces today's topic "I would like for you all to take 2 minutes and talk about the following question: How do you feel about scary movies? Do you like or dislike them?" T opens breakout rooms, close after 1 minute.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T introduces material: "I'm going to send you all a YouTube link to a short video, in which four friends are talking about what they would like to do over the weekend. After you watch this video, you will answer a few questions based on the video. You have about two and a half minutes to watch the video, and then another 3 minutes to answer the questions." Link to video: Link to Google Forms:

Highlighting (1-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Answers: 1. He would rather see a rock concert than watch a movie. 2. False 3. The tickets to the opera are so expensive that she can't believe it. 4. It's an okay movie. Copy and paste answers into the chat. May need to go over the last answer, but everything else is covered in the slides, so I can just move on.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Google Slides: Slide 1: Pose CCQs: Does he prefer rock concerts over movies? Answer: Yes. To prefer means to like one thing over another. Which of the following is true? Answer: He is fond of rock concerts. Extension question: Does anyone know the difference between to be fond of" and "to loathe"? Fond means to have affection or liking for something. Loathe means the opposite; it is a very strong word to express dislike and disgust. It is especially strong if the word is used to describe the feeling towards a person, but is used towards a thing, it is a bit lighter. Form: Is sound used as a noun or a verb? In this specific case, it's used as a verb. We can use sound to express our impression of something, so not only can it be used in a positive way, but also negative. T nominates someone to read the examples out loud. Slide 2: T reads the title out loud, while clearly expressing the meaning. T poses CCQs - answers are on slide. Commentary Question 1: First of all, can someone tell me what it means to be a fan of something? To be a fan of something is an idiom which means someone who strongly likes or is interested in something. So in this case, the woman is NOT a fan of Blue City. She uses the idiom "Not my style." Commentary Question 2: It is an informal expression, perhaps we can find a more formal way to say it in the next question. Commentary Question 3: I'm not too fond of it is pretty much neutral, you can use it in both formal and informal settings. Do we remember what fond means? Slide 3: T nominates Ss for each phrase: _____, what is it that you can't stand? If no answer, say "I personally can't stand traffic!" Ask all the students to think of something they can't stand, and ask them to say the phrase out loud with energy. _____, what is it that you love? If no answer, say "I love ice-cream!" Once again, do the same as before. It's okay/alright. "This one is sort of in between, it's something we feel neutral about. For me, it's when I had to do homework. I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I know it's important, but I also wasn't crazy about wanting to do it. So for me, homework is alright. It's nothing special. Just ok. So, if there's something you find neutral, you can just say these phrases." Pose question: What do you notice about both extremes (positive and negative)? Answer: They both require energy, because they're both intense phrases. One is quite negative, and the other positive! Slide 4: Question: Is just a verb, noun, or adverb? Answer: adverb Question: Can someone tell me what an intensifier is? Answer: An intensifier is something that makes an expression stronger and gives it more color.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T introduces the next activity: This will be a fill-in-the-blank activity. It is based on the video. You have to find different ways to say the same expressions. You will have a word bank to fill the answers in, and you will do this alone for 2 minutes, and then I will put you into pairs and give you the next instructions. T screen shares to give an example. Here are the links: Activity 2: Jamboard After 3 minutes are up give the following instructions: Now you will get into pairs, and you will take turns going over the answers, and reading the dialogue out loud. Make sure you are expressive! You have 4 minutes to do this. After the Ss are done, paste the answers into the chat box, and ask them if they have questions: Answers: 1. prefer 2. delighted 3. not into it 4. enjoy 5. atrocious 6. not too crazy

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Lastly, you will get into pairs again, and now you will talk about things you have in common. More specifically, I would like for you to plan a weekend together. What would you two like to do together? Use the expressions we spoke about today. Make sure it's something you both want to do! Here is the link: Jamboard: Conduct OCFB

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