Christopher Sanders Christopher Sanders

DELTA 2 Pre-task
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lessons, students will read an article about Twitter usernames and an act of generosity. They will be exposed to some new vocabulary and have opportunities to speak.


Abc Staging Powerpoint
Abc Whiteboard
Abc HO1 - article
Abc HO2 - questions

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have had practice with reading for detail.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be exposed to new vocabulary and have chances to use the lexical items in controlled practice.
  • At several points in this lesson, students will have chances to speak and engage in a role play.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show PPT slide 1 with today's objectives. Slide 2, show a picture of the Twitter bird logo. Ask Ss what it represents. Ask Ss who has used Twitter before. Ask Ss what do they know about Twitter and what their experiences are; share answers in pairs. Randomly gather some feedback from pairs about what they discussed.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Slide 3, show a picture of a Tweet. Point to the username. "What do we call this?" Try to elicit terms (username, account, name, etc; probably they will not say 'handle') After a few answers, tell them 'handle' is another way to call it. Show next picture, point to username and ask them again, "What is this?" Elicit 'handle'. "Is handle another word for message?" (no). "Is my username my handle?" (yes) Choose one student. "Repeat after me: handle?" - "Twitter handle?" - "What's your Twitter handle?" - Have that student nominate another and repeat the sentence. Write the sentence on the whiteboard, switching colors for 'handle' to highlight it. Ask "Now, 'handle', is this a noun, a verb, an adjective...?" Elicit "noun", write (n) under 'handle'. Then write /ˈhændəl/ and repeat it. Say: "Let's say, I want to join Twitter, but I don't have an account yet. What should I do?" Elicit 'register'. Ask "If I register for a website, am I joining it or leaving it?" (joining) "Does a member of a site need to register every time she goes there?" (no) "Who registers for a site, new users or old users?" (new) Write 'register'. Ask "Is this a noun, a verb, an adverb...?" (verb) Write (v) and /ˈrɛʤɪstər/. Say it clearly. Ask all Ss to say it. Then ask all women to repeat. Then all men. Next slide, a picture of someone waving a white flag. "What do you think they are saying with this flag?" Elicit ideas like quit, give up, stop (fighting). After a few items, say "When we want to give up, we can say we 'surrender'." Ask "If I surrender, do I keep fighting or do I give up?" (give up) "When Ataturk attacked the foreign armies in Turkey, did he surrender?" (no) Choose a student. "Repeat after me. 'surrender!' - 'I surrender!' - 'Don't shoot! I surrender!'" S selects another S to repeat the sentence. Write the sentence on the board, using another color for 'surrender'. Ask "What part of speech is surrender?" (verb) Write (v) and /səˈrɛndər/ --- continue eliciting and drilling remaining vocab --- Target words/blocking vocab: handle register surrender identity authorities

Vocabulary practice (7-8 minutes) • To give students a chance to use the vocabulary in a controlled task

Repeat the highlighted vocabulary on the whiteboard. Explain to Ss that we will play Golden Bell. I will say a sentence with a missing word. In their notebooks, in big easy-to-read letters, they will write which word is missing. For example, if i say "I'm so BLANK, I could eat a horse." what would you write?" (hungry) "When I ring the bell, hold your paper up in the air so I can see it." "[student 1], what will you write on your paper?" (the missing word) "[student 2], when I ring the bell, what will you do?" (hold up the paper, show you the answer) --- sentences --- 1. The people in the neighborhood want a new park, but the BLANK said no. (authorities) 2. I can't win this fight, so I am going to BLANK. (surrender) 3. Sanna wanted to follow her new friend on Twitter, but she didn't know her BLANK. (handle) 4. If you want to use the bank's app, you have to BLANK a new account first. (register) 5. The police did not know the BLANK of the robber because he wore a mask and gloves. (identity) ---------- Monitor for difficulty with any of the words. If widespread, ask additional CCQs. If minor, note it for later or spot correct.

Pre-Reading Prediction (2-3 minutes) • To prepare the students for the reading

Next slide. Show the title: Rio de Janeiro Twitter account given away for free by Spanish shoeshiner Ask Ss to think about the title for a moment. What do they think the article will tell us. Talk to partner for ~1 minute about your ideas. Collect a few pieces of feedback.

Reading Task 1 (7-8 minutes) • To give students opportunity to read article and practice detailed reading skills

Hold up a copy of the article. Tell Ss they will have five minutes to read the article and see if their ideas were right or not. Ask "How long will you read?" (5 min) Pass out article handouts. Allow five minutes, but monitor for early completion. After finishing, ask if any of their ideas were mentioned in the article. Talk to partner for <1 minute about that.

Reading Task 2 (8-10 minutes) • To give students practice with reading for detail

Show Ss handout 2. Tell them they'll have five minutes to answer a few questions. Pass out HO2. Monitor for issues. After five minutes (earlier if everyone finishes), ask Ss to check answers with partner. Monitor, ask questions if Ss missed something. If some question seems to be causing problems for many Ss, talk about it together.

Post-Reading Task (8-10 minutes) • To give students a chance to talk about the reading

Tell Ss they will now do a role-play. In groups of three, one S will be Castano, one will be a Japanese authority (like social media manager for the government), and one will be a company representative that wants to buy the Twitter handle @japan. Together, they should decide what to do with the handle. They'll have 90 seconds to think about their ideas, then discuss for ~4 minutes and come to a decision. Ask S3 "How long will you talk together?" (about 4 minutes) Ask S4 "How long will you think about your ideas?" (90 seconds) Assign Ss 1/2/3 - 1s are Castano, 2s Japan, 3s company. Group them together, and tell them to start their prep time. After 90 seconds, have them begin their discussion. Monitor for issues. After time is up, collect some feedback from groups.

Delayed Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To highlight problems and clarify

On whiteboard or with CCQs, note 1 or 2 errors that came up during the monitoring of GW or PW.

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