Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice of writing a (short) email inviting friends (in another country) to visit you
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of colloquial expressions(e.g. what have you been up to, what'd'ya say, get a hold of you, etc) in the context of writing an invitacion email to a friend in a foreign country.
Procedure (42-50 minutes)
T-S: T will greet Ss and begin the lesson. T will begin by sending a Google Slides link to all Ss. "Here is a link to our first activity for today". T will then call on a student to read the instruction aloud to the whole class. Student will read as follows: "Think of some friends/family that you know living abroad. Imagine they invited you to come to their country for vacation. Discuss with your partner which country you’d visit and what your dream vacation in that country would be like." (1-2 minutes) S-S: T will then put Ss into pairs and place them into BR. PW: Ss will work together to answer the questions in the lead-in with each other. (4 minutes)
T-S: T will share a Google Document with the material T has created for the lesson. "Here's the link to my invitation via email." (30 sec) T will call on Ss to read the model text out loud for the whole class. T will call on a total of 3 Ss, one student to read the introduction, one student to read the body, and one student to read the conclusion. (3-5 minutes)
T-S: T will begin eliciting responses from the Ss as to what each colloquial expression means in the email by using CCQ's. All CCQ's will be placed onto the comment section of the Google Doc. in order to help T remember all of them. T will begin by asking what part of an email "Hey Stanislav" is. T will ask Ss what 'How've' represents in the phrase 'How've you been?'. T will drill Ss on Pron after meaning 'How’ve= haʊv' T will ask "Is this formal or informal language?" while point to the highlighted phrase 'haven’t heard from you in a while'. T will state this is neutral language. T will ask "What is another way to say this phrase?"= 'what you’ve been up to'. T will ask "Is this formal or informal language?" ='get a hold of you' T will ask "What does 'gotta' and 'ya' represent here?" in 'I gotta question for ya’. T will drill Ss on pron here 'I gotta= aɪ gɑdə'. T will ask "Which direction is this phrasal verb referring to? = 'come down'. T will ask "Does this mean to punch the ancient Mayan ruins?"='hit up' T will ask "What is 'a few' referring to in the phrase 'have a few'?" T will ask "Does this mean Stanislav will bring her or leave her behind?"='tag along' T will ask "Is this informal or formal? 'come see for yourself' and also ask "Does 'sweet' have a positive or negative meaning? in 'how sweet it is'." T will ask "Does this mean to physically touch each other? in the phrase 'keep in touch'. T will ask "Does this mean every day?" in the phrase 'from time to time'. T will ask "What does this stand for? in 'What'd'ya say?". T will drill pron. here. ‘What’d’ya say’= wʌtdəjə seɪ. T will also convey meanings in two other phrases in the Conclusion but not in CCQ form. " In your life"(meaning you need this) and also "Get back to me"(Informal for answer me). T will ask "It is a colloquial expression to say what? =Later on. Finally the T will end in pointing out that punctuatioin is important at the beginning and the end of an email.
I: T will tell Ss that they will have 15 minutes to write their own emails inviting their friends to come to visit them in their countries. T will also give the Ss the checklist so that they can check what they will need to include in their emails as well as what they are going to look for when they check their peer's emails in the next step. When the next step comes they will already have the checklist. This is also important because if Ss didn't catch every detail of what I said they have their checklists to refer to in order to help them.
S-S: Ss will already have received their checklists in the previous step so T can begin putting Ss into pairs in BR. T will instruct Ss to check their peers' emails using the checklist provided. Ss will receive peer-feedback from each other. T will monitor to ensure Ss are peer-checking without intruding, intruding only if Ss are doing what is asked of them.