Gareth Gareth

Upp Int level


Abc Speak out SB - Ex.10a,b,c and 11a - Page 13

Main Aims

  • Learners will be better able to use and understand nouns and understand how they are formed.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice by answering a quiz and giving reasons for their answers in the context of personality


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T tells SS how they felt when teaching for the first time. 'There was a bit of nervousness because it was a challenging experience and I was being observed but there was also excitement because I knew that I had the chance to meet interesting people and would be able to use my new skills to have exciting adventures.' T asks the students to discuss in pairs (breakout rooms) the last time they experienced nervousness and excitement, first by eliciting the difference in meaning. T monitors, available for help if asked, while SS are talking and prompts if necessary. T brings ss back t the main room and nominates a few ss for feedback.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T writes on the whiteboard: 'There was a bit of nervousness because it was a challenging experience and I was being observed but there was also excitement because I knew that I had the chance to meet interesting people and would be able to use my new skills to have exciting adventures.' T asks SS to write down their examples and then puts them in different pairs in breakout rooms to discuss and share their answers. They can tell each other what they've written or write in the chat.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Direct the ss back to the anecdote written on the whiteboard and then elicit which are the nouns in the paragraph and which are the adjectives. T underlines the adjectives in red and underlines the nouns in green and asks how the noun is formed from an adjective, eventually eliciting -ment and -ness and then highlights the endings by annotating the screen. Ask if they know any other words ending in -ment or -ness to see how much they already know and activate any previous knowledge.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows SS exercise 10a on pg 13 of speakout upper int. Ss look at the adjectives and teaches clarfies meaning of any new lexis. T asks ss to look at the adjectives and and to put them into the column with the correct noun ending. Allow students to do the task alone for 5 minutes and then put them into breakout rooms to compare their answers for 4 minutes. Get Ss back to the main room and then correct together, dealing with any questions/errors as they arise. Do exercise 10b and 10c together, elIciting the answers from students and drilling pronunciation and word stress bot individually as well as a group.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T directs students to task 11a and T tells Ss that they must complete the text with adjectives and nouns from 10a as appropriate. T instructs ss to do this alone for 5 minutes and then checks the answers together as a class. T clarifies form with ss by asking 'how do we know we need a noun here?' - How do we change the adjective to a noun?- In order to highlight the form and how the noun is built.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T asks Ss to read text again alone and think about which statements they agree with or not and to what extent by marking with ticks as instructed. T pre-teaches any more complex lexis such as 'cure' (v.) and 'lift' (n.) and checks meaning by asking concept checking questions. e.g. What's a good cure for a headache? Do we normally find lifts in a shopping centre or in a house?

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T tells ss that they are now going to compare their answers and give reasons for their answers. Ask them to ask follow up questions about other times they might have felt this way or what they did in that situation. T puts Ss into pairs in breakout rooms and monitors closely, available for help and prompting when necessary. While monitoring T notes down any errors in use of TL after 6-8 minutes, T bring ss back into the main room and nominates students to report what their partners told them, recalling as much detail as possible. if time, use the noted errors to provide an error correction stage related to the TL of word formation.

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