TP 7: Reading about Elon Musk
Upper Intermediate level
Main Aims
Students will practice reading for gist and specific details in the context of Elon Musk's successes.
Subsidiary Aims
The students will become familiar with the lexis found in the reading and comprehend the text in the context of Elon Musk's life successes.
Procedure (46-51 minutes)
-Ss watch video of an ad from the Boring Company (created by Elon Musk). -Ss discuss what they saw in the video and if it is even possible.
-Pre-teach vocabulary that will help them understand the text and answer the questions. -T elicits what's happening in each picture. -Ss respond. -T says word and asks CCQs. -Ss respond. -T drills pronunciation. -Ss repeat. -T reveals written form and part of speech. -T elicits information from Ss and shows photos of Elon Musk and photos of his interests. -Questions: Who is this? Have you heard of him before? What is he known for? -Ss respond. -T gives instructions for gist task.
-Ss quickly skim the text. -In pairs, Ss discuss what his character is like based on the text. -Ss join back with the whole group and some explain what they learned. -T gives instructions for next task and models an example.
-Ss work in pairs again and reread the text for details. -Ss complete the gap-fill and answer the 8 questions. -Ss come back to main room and T shows AK. -T reviews difficult answers and allows Ss to ask any questions they may have.
-T demonstrates how to do final task. -T asks what pros and cons are and elicits examples from the text. -Ss work in small groups brainstorming pros and cons of the Boring Company coming to their large city. -Ss come back to the main room and present their ideas to the class.
-Teacher displays 2 sentences on the WB with errors and 1 without. -Ss find the errors and correct the errors themselves verbally.