Tal Baron Tal Baron


Abc Course book
Abc Slide show

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson the students would have practiced listening for gist and listening for details in the context of traveling for free

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To allow they students to speak fluently and express themselves in the context of the travelling for free


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T-Ss: shows slide (1) and tells Ss: last night I dreamt that I traveled to these places (Sydney, Venice and Helsinki.

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T-Ss: shows slide (2) asks what do you call it if you travel from one place to another? elicit journey. CCQ is journey a short distance? do I go on a journey to work? Drill, written form (elicit it is a verb and a noun) and stress. T-Ss: shows slide (3) in my journey I saw many ships. I saw this shop, do you know what it's called (try to elicit container ship) CCQ: is it for people to travel? (No) Is it to move small things? (No) is it heavy? (Yes) T-Ss: shows slide (4) when I woke up I was very happy! it was (elicits amazing) CCQ: was it bad? drill, written form and stress. T-Ss: shows slide (5) tells students I love to travel but its too (elicits expensive). CCQ: is is free? (No) Is it a lot of money? (Yes). Drill, show written form and elicit stress. T-Ss: Is there a way that I can travel for free? Is it (elicits possible). CCQ: can I do it? is it easy (maybe, means it can be done) Drill, written form and elicit stress.

While-Listening #1 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T-Ss: shows slide (8) tells them we are going to listen to a conversation. which picture do you think is related to the conversation? Ss-T: student state their predictions T-Ss: shows slide 9: asks student to read the question and think about it while they are listening. T-Ss: T plays audio T-Ss- tells students they will discuss in pairs. S-S: students work together while T monitors from a distance Ss-T: tell what they discussed

While-Listening #2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

T-Ss: shows slide (11) tells Ss we will listen again and asks them to read the questions. Ss: listen to audio T-Ss: says they will compare notes together S-S: Ss compare answers while T monitors from a distance

Post-Listening (5-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T-Ss: shows slide (13) asks which way they would like to travel and why Ss-T: tell teacher which way they would prefer (car or ship)

Feedback on language (5-7 minutes) • to go over good language and correct errort

T-ss: shows student good language exampels and sentences with errors. Asks them to correct them. Ss-T-Ss: correct sentences

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