TP4- Functional Language
Upper Int. level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language in the context of unexpected problems.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency with using functional language in the context of unexpected problems.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will begin the class by sharing her google slides screen. The slide will have two questions and an image on it. The teacher will ask a student to read the questions aloud to the class. The class will then answer these questions through the public chat box. As the students are sending in their responses, the teacher will be reading them aloud.

Gist (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher will share her screen with the class. This is the second google slide. The teacher will tell the students that they will listen to a 1 minute audio clip of a waiter and a customer's conversation. As they are listening to the audio, they should be listening for the main idea of the clip by answering the question: What is the unexpected problem? The teacher will play the audio clip. The teacher will ask the students to type into the chat box to a partner what their answer to the question is. The students will have 30 seconds to share answers. The teacher will then nominate two students to say what their partners think the answer is and whether or not they and their partners agreed. This will take 1 to 2 minutes of sharing.

Intensive (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher will share slide 4 with the students. The teacher will tell the students that hey will listen to the audio clip again. This time, they will answer on a google form: What functional language do you hear the customer use when dealing with the waiter? The teacher will tell them to click on all of the phrases that they hear as they hear them. The teacher will then share the link to the google form with the students through the public chat box. The teacher will then play the audio clip once more while the students do the activity. The students will then have 30 seconds to share their answers in pairs through the private chat box. The teacher will then nominate a student to give their answers. The teacher will then ask the class if there is any phrase left unmarked or marked that shouldn't be.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher will screen share slide 5 with the class. The teacher will nominate a student to read the waiter's line. The teacher will read the customer's line. We will do this for all three portions. The teacher will then ask the students "Do the highlighted phrases express annoyance to an unexpected problem?" The students will respond "Yes"! This will cover the meaning portion. The teacher will then screen share slide 6 and we will briefly go over the form. The teacher will then pronounce " I don't believe it!" and elicit from the students where the stress is. The teacher will tell students that this phrase is usual and be used with friends or in a more formal setting as in with a boss. The teacher will then screen share slide 7 and we will again briefly go over the form. The teacher will then pronounce "For goodness' sake!" and ask the students where they hear the stress. The teacher will tell the students that this is more formal, but still, as it expresses annoyance I wouldn't say it in a formal setting, because I don't like to express annoyance. The teacher will then screen share slide 8 and briefly go over the form. The teacher will then pronounce " This is ridiculous!" The teacher will elicit where the stress is. The teacher will announce that this expression is informal and can be used with friends, but when expressed in a formal setting such as a 5 star restaurant it shows that you are rude and impolite even though you may have reason to be annoyed. Instead of saying "This is ridiculous!" one could be more polite and say "I can't believe this" to express one's regret and annoyance at oneself rather than ridiculing the waiter for his judgment.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice. The purpose is accuracy.

The teacher will screen share slide 9 and tell students they will fill in the gaps with the correct words to complete the phrases. The teacher will share the link to the google form through the public chat box. The teacher will tell the students that they have 1.5 minutes to complete the activity individually. When they finish, they will then have 30 seconds to share their answers in pairs. The teacher will then share the results with the class and we will have OCFB.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language. The purpose is fluency.

The teacher will screen share slide 10. The teacher will give them the scenario: "You arrive at a hotel where you have made a reservation for two nights. What are some unexpected problems you might encounter?List 2 potential problems and how you might respond to them" The teacher will ask the students to use the phrases in the box below to describe their responses or reactions to the problems. The teacher will send the students to Break Out Rooms to discuss their scenarios. The teacher will monitor the breakout room groups and note down 'good language' and language which needs reformulating. When the students return from Breakout Rooms, we will go over the notes I have made together.

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