Aaisha Saniya Aaisha Saniya

Aaisha Saniya: WritingLesson Plan
Intermediate level


Abc Student Workbook
Abc Student Book
Abc Worksheet
Abc Student notebook and pen
Abc White board & colored markers

Main Aims

  • To provide product and process writing practice of a Informal emails in the context of asking and giving advise to freinds

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification on writing practice of informal emails in the context of asking and giving advises about future plans like jobs and volunteer work


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will use "Stand-up, Hand-up-Pair-up" When the T says go, ss will stand and put their hand up and move around to find a partner to pair-up. They will pair only once. Questions: What is your dream job and why? (answers will vary) ICQs for the task: 1. When will you start? (When the T says Go) 2. What will you do when the Teacher says Go? (Stand-up) 3. Will you move around or just stand ? (move around) 4. Will you pair up once or many times? (Once) Once the students pair-up, they will share using Timed-Pair-Share. Each student will have 5 secs to think and 30 secs to speak and answer the question written on the board. Student with longer hair will start. 1. What is your dream job and why? (Answers will vary) ICQs: 1. Will you work in groups or pair? (pair) 2. How much time do you have to THINK? (5 secs) 3. How much time do you have to SPEAK? (30 secs) 4. Who will start? (Longer hair) Once the minute of speaking is over, the ss will go back to their places.

Exposure (Gist Reading) (7-9 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

Elicit: When you give suggestions about the something that you think will be good for them, you give them ________________? (Advise) How many ways can you give advises to friends/family far away from you? (Ss will answer by sending emails or letters, or through phone calls) Which is faster email or letter? (email) Ss will read (skimming) the 3 emails on WB p. 61 and answer the questions given in the worksheet. Students will use Round Table to answer these questions: Students will have 30 secs to read the questions first, then they will read the emails quickly in 2 mins. Then each student will answer one question, the team mates will add, if they need to and write down the answers together. Student with the longer hand will start. They have 5 mins to write the answers. Questions: 1. Name the people conversing in the above emails. (Brian, Joe and Tom) 2. Who has a chance to go to Brazil? (Brian) 3. What advise is Brian asking from Tom and Joe? (If it would be good for his career if he worked in Brazil for 2 years) 4. Who advises Brian to take the job? (Joe) 5. Who advises Brian to think more about the job? (Tom) ICQS: 1. Will you read the questions or the emails first? (Questions) 2. How much time do you have to read the questions? (30 secs) 3. How much time do you have to read the emails? (2 mins) 4. Who will start? (Student with longer hand) 5. Can your friends correct or add to your answers? (Yes) 6. Will you only say or write the answers? (Write) 7. How much time do you have to finish discussing and writing? (5 mins) Feed back: Once the time is over: The teacher will call out one student from each group to answer one question and ask other groups if they agree and elicit the feed back from the students.

Language Prep (Layout) (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful layout and language for coming productive tasks

Eliciting questions for eliciting the language of the emails: what the relationship between the people in the emails? (friends/cousins) How is the language? (casual) So, is it formal or informal? (informal) "Since the emails are among friends it is, informal with casual language" Now, each group will discuss together for 4 mins and number the headings according to the order of the email. ICQ: 1. Will you work in group or pair? (Group) 2. Will you match or number the headings? (Number) 3. How much time do you have? (4 mins) Brian’s email: How will the opportunity be beneficial 2 Asking for their opinion/advise 3 Telling about the opportunity 1 Tom and Joe’s emails: Pros and Cons 2 Suggest the advise (In favor or not) 1 Ask for reply about the decision 3 Feedback: One student from one group will be called upon to answer the question on the Worksheet displayed on the Smart Board and other groups will confirm, if there are clashes, each group with conflict will be called upon to explain their answer and they will all get the correct answers, with reasons. Now, each group will discuss together for 2 mins and put the given sentences in the correct persons' heading ICQ: 1. Will you work in group or pair? (Group) 2. Will you write the sentences or number under the headings? (Sentences) 3. How much time do you have? (2 mins) Fill in the following points under the correct headings: 1. I think you should ... 2. Would it be good… 3. I expect you’d have a great time in Rio, but ... 4. I’m sure it would be ... 5. I’d like to go… 6. It would be better to ... 7. What do you think… 8. If I were you… Same step of the feed back will be done again.

Content Preparation (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for brainstorming ideas and making notes

The word "Volunteer" will be presented as the blocking word for students before writing the first draft. Through a presentation. "Now ss will work in pairs and think of their dream job and take notes in their worksheet by answering the questions given." (Each pair will be given one worksheet) 1. What career they'd choose? 2. Why they'd use this career? 3. Which is their dream company to work in? 4. How volunteering for this company will be beneficial for them? Ss have 3 mins to think and write down their points. ICQs: 1. Will you work in pair or Individually? (pairs) 2. Will you write down or only think? (Write down) 3. How much time do you have? (3 mins)

Productive Task (First Draft) (8-10 minutes) • Ss will organize their notes and make a rough plan

Each pair will put their notes in proper sentences and layout by answering the questions given in the worksheet. Ss will have 5 minutes to discuss and write the points. 1. What is the opportunity you got and how much are you interested in it? 2. How will the opportunity be beneficial (Pros and Cons)? 3. Ask for advice from your friend. ICQs: 1. Will you work individually or in pair? (pair) 2. Will you write new ideas or from your notes? (From notes) 3. How much time do you have? (5 Mins) Now each pair will discuss their views with the other pair in the group. Play Rock, Paper Scissors, which ever pair wins will start. Each pair has 2 minutes to share and discuss errors (if any) and take new ideas from the other pair. ICQs: 1. Will you work in group or individually? (Group) 2. Who will start? (Which ever pair wins the Rock, Paper Scissor) 3. How much time does each pair have?(2 mins) 4. If you find any grammar errors, will you correct it or leave it? (correct it) 5. Will you give suggestions to the other pair or only listen? (Give suggestions) Feedback: The teacher will listen to each pair during both the activities and guide them by using words like "check grammar" or "check spelling" and make sure they do it write.

Productive Task (Revise, Edit & write the final version) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Now each pair will discuss their views on the suggestions given by the other pair and re-write their emails in proper format in the worksheet. Ss have 10 mins to revise and edit their final drafts. ICQs: 1. Will you work in group or pair? (Pair) 2. How much time does each pair have?(10 mins) 3. Will you write in a proper layout of email or just points? (layout of email) Feedback: T will listen to the discussion of the ss and watch their papers and elicit their mistakes by giving them clues.

Feedback and Error Correction (10-12 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

After ss finish their first draft, they,ll do a Gallery Walk to read others' emails and put small sticky notes to write down their notes. Each pair will display their email on one of their table. Each pair will rotate clockwise to each table of display. They will move until they have seen all the ss work. Each pair will spend 2 mins reading and writing their notes on each table. ICQs: 1. Will you move in pairs or individually? (Pairs) 2. Where will each pair display their email? (On our table) 3. Which direction will you rotate? (Clockwise) 4. How much time will you spend on each table? (2 mins) 5. Will you only read or write notes in sticky notes? (Write notes)

PACS (3-5 minutes) • Correcting common mistakes and wrapping up

Highlight the common mistakes of students during the speaking and writing activities. Try and elicit the corrections from the ss themselves by giving clues. If ss cannot elicit then provide with the answer. Take the all Worksheets and provide written feedback to each pair.

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