TP4 Functional Language
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for ambitions and achievements in the context of personal landmarks and dreams (e.g. "I've always wanted to", "It's always been my dream to", "One thing I've done that I'm very proud of is", "My greatest achievement has been")
Subsidiary Aims
To enable students to develop their fluency speaking skills in communicative practice by sharing their ambitions and achievements in the context of personal landmarks and dreams.
To enable students to practice their reading for general understanding in the context of personal landmarks and dreams.
Procedure (40-45 minutes)
• Greetings and ask the students how they are doing. • Tell the students that they will start this part of the lesson watching a video that was made for the Paralympic Games in Rio 2016. • Tell the students that to watch the video and at the end of it, tell you how they felt. • Tell them that there is a chorus that is sung repeatedly throughout the song, but clarify that they do not have to pay any particular attention to the specifics of the language in the lyrics. • Their sole objective is to share at the end of the video how they felt. • (This video shows a great number of paralympic athletes, musicians, dancers, and everyday people with any kind of physical disability doing great feats and carrying on with their normal lives. The chorus of the song is "Yes I can" sang over and over again. In the middle of the song a school master in a quiet scene tells a student "No you can't" followed by the same student screaming "Yes I can" as he plays wheelchair rugby.) • (The purpose of this video is to engage the students at an emotional level by seeing how extraordinary achievements can be reached no matter the difficulties if the dreams and desires are strong enough. It sets the stage emotionally for the general context of achievements and ambitions.) PLAN A: • Open the Genially presentation: • Share screen with sound. • Change slides • Monitor students' physical and emotional responses through the screen. • Close the presentation at the end of the video. PLAN B: • If I have problems sharing my screen with the students for the presentation, send the students directly the Youtube link: through Chatbox. • Ask students to mute their microphones as they watch the video. • Tell them they have 3 minutes to complete the viewing. • Monitor students' physical and emotional responses through the screen. OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK • Engage with students in an open class discussion nominating each of them for them to share their feelings as they watched the video. • Ask them if they can tell you the overall chorus of the song: "Yes I can". ICQs Do you have to pay attention to all the words in the song? No. Do you have to share how you felt at the end of the video? Yes. PLAN B ICQs Do you have to pay attention to all the words in the song? No. Do you have to share how you felt at the end of the video? Yes. Do you have to mute your microphone to watch the video? Yes. How long do you have to watch the video? 3 minutes.
PLAN A • Open the Flipbook: • Share the screen. • Show them the picture of the graduating student, and elicit what a commencement ceremony is. • Tell students that in the United States, universities invite different famous people to give their speeches in commencement ceremonies to the graduates. • Tell the students they will read an adaptation of a speech that was given by Jim Carrey to the 2014 graduate Class of a university in Iowa. • Their task is to choose the best message that summarizes the speech out of three options. Stress out that they can only choose one option. • Show the students the text and tell them not to worry about the words in red. Reassure them that the only thing they have to do is focus on the best message of the speech. • Show the students that they can find the possible messages where to choose from for their gist task in page 2. • Tell the students they have to submit their answers through a Google Form whose link is under the three possible options ( • Click on the link and show them the Google Form for their answer submission. • Stop sharing the screen. • Tell the students they have 5 minutes to read the text and submit their answer. • Send the Flipbook link through Chatbox and the Google Form link in case they cannot access through Flipbook. • Monitor potential students needs. • Monitor submitted answers through PLAN B • If I have problems sharing my screen, share from the start the Flipbook and the Google Forms link through Chatbox and proceed with the same oral instructions. • Monitor potential students needs. • Monitor submitted answers through PLAN A AND PLAN B ICQs • How many messages that summarize the text can you choose? One. • How long do you have for the task? 5 minutes. • Do you have to submit your answers through Google Forms? Yes. PAIR-WORK • When the time's up, ask the students to compare their answers with their partner. • Tell them they have 1 minutes for ths task. • Create Break-out Rooms. Set the timer for 1 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Open the Break-out Rooms. • Monitor Break-out Rooms. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up. ICQs Do you have to compare your answers? Yes. How long do you have for this task? 1 minutes. OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK • Conduct Open Class Feedback asking the students what was their answer. • Elicit from the students what is common between the video they saw and the text they read. • Try to elicit from them that both texts refer to dreams, hopes, achievements and ask them what do they think the context of the lesson is. • Reassure them that the context is ambitions and achievements.
MEANING PLAN A • Open the Google Slides: • Share screen. • Elicit from students the meaning of "ambition" and "achievement" based on the sentences presented and the images related to them. • Ask CCQs to students to check understanding on both concepts (See MAFP sheet). • Elicit from students whether the images shown are "achievements" or "ambitions". • Ask students to give synonyms of "ambitions" and feelings related to "achievements". By identifying these words, students will be able to pinpoint whether the exponents refer to "ambitions" or "achievements" in the next task on their own. • Tell students they have 1 minute to identify whether the 4 exponents are "ambitions" or "achievements". Ask them to figure it out through guided discovery by talking to each other without interference of the teacher. • Confirm with the students whether their answers are correct asking the reason behind their choice through CCQs (see MAFP). PLAN B • Open the Powerpoint presentation in my computer and share the screen with the students. Proceed as above. • If I cannot share my screen, open the Whiteboard and write down each sentence, eliciting through CCQs their meaning and whether they are "ambitions" or "achievements". APPROPRIACY PLAN A • Continue working with the same Google Slides. • Ask students whether they feel happy or sad/upset when they say these sentences. • Using ACQs (see MAFP), elicit from the students the positive connotation of these sentences and how they can be used in a formal and informal setting. PLAN B • Continue working with the same Powerpoint presentation and proceed as above. • If I cannot share my screen, ask the same questions orally and proceed as above. PRONUNCIATION PLAN A • Continue working with the same Google Slides. • Ask students if they think that their feelings of happiness and pride should reflect on their voice. Elicit from them that their attitude should also be part of the way they express these specific sentences. • Model each of the sentences and using PCQs (see MAFP sheet) elicit from the students what is the word that has the greatest stress. Elicit the rest of the stressed words as well as the intonation and drill. • Use the Annotations options from Screenshare to highlight stressed words and syllables, as well as to draw intonation arrows on the sentences. • Stop sharing screen. PLAN B • Continue working with the same Powerpoint presentation and proceed as above. • If I cannot share my screen, open the Whiteboard, write the sentences, give an oral example, elicit the same concepts and drill. FORM PLAN A • Open the Genially presentation: • Share screen. • Tell the students you will now analyze with more detail aspects related to the structure of these sentences. • Through guided discovery, elicit from students the right use of the infinitive or the gerund in each of the sentences through 4 fill in the blanks questions with two possible answers each. • After each pair of sentences, elicit from students examples that use the same structure. Through guided discovery, let the students by the ones who come up with the right form of the verbs, and the rest of the sentence structure. • Use the Annotation option from Screenshare to write down students' answers. • Use FCQs to elicit answers (See MAFP sheet). • Stop sharing screen. PLAN B • Open the Powerpoint presentation I have in my computer with the same content and proceed as above. • If I cannot share my presentation, open the Whiteboard, write the sentences with the right and wrong verb tense, elicit the right answer, and work with the students to elicit its form through guided discovery.
• Tell the students they will practice the correct structure of the functional phrases they learnt in class. PLAN A • Open the Google Form: • Share screen • Tell the students they will have to fill in the gaps with the correct ending of each sentence. • Show the first question as an example. • Tell the students they have 4 minutes to complete the task. • Tell them that after they submit their answers, if they click on "View Score", they can check if their answers were wrong or right. • Stop sharing screen. • Share link through Chatbox. • Monitor students' potential needs. • Monitor students' answers through PLAN B • If I have problems sharing my screen, share from the start the Google Forms through Chatbox and proceed with the same oral instructions. • Monitor potential students needs. • Monitor submitted answers through PLAN A AND PLAN B ICQs • Do you have to complete the sentences? Yes. • How many options can you choose? One. • How long do you have for this task? 5 minutes. PAIR-WORK • When the time's up, ask the students to compare their answers with their partner. • Tell them they have 2 minutes for this task. • Reshuffle students and recreate Break-out Rooms for students to talk to a different partner. Set the timer for 2 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Open the Break-out Rooms. • Monitor Break-out Rooms. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up. ICQs Do you have to compare your answers? Yes. How long do you have for this task? 2 minutes. OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK • Conduct OCFB nominating the students to share their answers. • If it is possible, open the Google Forms and share the screen with the students to go over each answer. • If not, write down the sentences with students' answers on the Whiteboard. • Elicit the reasons why they chose their specific answers and why they are correct.
PAIR-WORK • Tell the students that for the next activity they will be working with their partners. PLAN A • Open the Google Slide: • Share the screen. • Set the slide in Presentation mode. • Ask the students to imagine that it's now safe to travel by airplane once again and that they are flying to London. • Ask them to imagine that they will be sitting next to a stranger (their partners) for 11 hours so why not share a little bit of their lives. • Ask them to share their personal ambitions and achievements. • Specify that they are required to use the functional language reviewed in class. • Give examples of sentences. • Stop sharing screen. • Tell them they have 5 minutes for this task. • Recreate Break-out Rooms. Set the timer for 5 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Open the Break-out Rooms. • Monitor each Break-out room. • Keep track of the use of target language. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up. PLAN B • Open the Powerpoint presentation in my computer with the same feedback and proceed as above. • If I am not able to share my screen, deliver instructions orally and proceed as above. OPEN CLASS FEEDBACK • Conduct Open Class Feedback and engage students nominating each on how they felt sharing their personal ambitions and achievements in a more fluent way. ICQs • Will you be working with your partner for this task? Yes. • Do you have to share your life's achievements and ambitions? Yes. • Do you have to include the phrases we saw in the class as your speak? Yes. • How long do you have for this task? 5 minutes.
• The last stage looks to conduct delayed error correction of the lesson. • Share Whiteboard. • Write down phrases that were said by the students that had errors in them. • Elicit the correct answer.