TP 2 Lexis
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice and revise collocations about modern and traditional items in the context of an inter-generational conversation.
Subsidiary Aims
To enable students to develop their reading skills in the context of a transcript of an inter-generational conversation. To enable students to practice speaking skills using some vocabulary about modern and traditional items.
Procedure (41-58 minutes)
Welcome Ss to the class. Show G.Slides with pictures of Modern and Traditional buildings in Mexico. Ask Ss "Does anyone know where this is?" (pointing to the modern building) T tell Ss "This is in Mexico City and is a modern building but I like the traditional buildings here." (point to traditional buildings). This introduces the concept of modern and traditional. T tells anecdote of using a telephone (with a circular dial and phone cord) when young compared to using a mobile phone now. This sets example for next stage.
Ss directed to open a link to Google Docs which will act as a workbook for the lesson. Ss are placed into pairs/ groups and answer these questions. What do you use that is modern? What do you use that is traditional? Ss go to breakout rooms. Ss given 2 minutes. T monitors discussions. Ss brought back into main session after 2 mins.
One S from each group is asked to share their ideas from the discussion. T writes responses on G. Slides (annotate with Zoom).
T "hands out" text by asking Ss to go to page 2 of workbook. Ss read the transcript of a conversation between a girl and her grandmother. Ss complete a gist task after reading the text by opening a link to Google Forms where Ss will choose the summary which closely matches the text. Ss will be given 2 mins to complete reading and the gist task individually. Ss will then compare answers via private messages (with previous partner). Ss reminded to remember the name of their partner. ICQs: Do you remember the name of the person who you worked with before? Are you messaging that person? Are you checking answers? Ss will be given 1 min to compare answers.
S from two pairs shares their answer with the class. T elicits/gives correct answer.
T opens Google Slides and highlights TL in the text. "Go to page 4". Ss group TL into columns - Modern or Traditional - with their partner in breakout rooms. "You have 1 minute". ICQs: Are you working with a partner? How long do you have?
Complete slide with S answers and group TL into "modern" or "traditional" columns. Elicit answers from Ss (one S from each pair).
T covers MFP of the TL on Google Slides. Meaning of the TL is elicited as a whole class by getting Ss to answer CCQs (on the slide). Pronunciation is highlighted systematically - syllables, stress, linking, model then drill. (Pronunciation covered before form so Ss have the verbal skills to say TL when eliciting answers for form as a whole class). Form is highlighted with examples and getting Ss to pick the correct options (together as a class) on Google Slides.
Ss given a gap-fill activity by opening link in workbook to Google Forms. Ss complete the task individually. Ss will be given 5 mins for completing the gap-fill. Ss then work in pairs to compare answers (in breakout rooms) for 2 mins.
Each S asked to share answers with class (each S answers a different question). T elicits/corrects/gives out the answers to the gap-fill activity. If Ss don't understand certain items of TL, T asks CCQs as noted in anticipated problems and solutions to check understanding and prompt Ss for answers.
Using the TL, Ss asked to work in pairs, and discuss: "Which item do you like?" "Which item don't you like?" Ss will be given 2 mins. Ss will talk in breakout rooms. " Go to page 6. Answer the questions with your partner. You have 2 minutes." T monitors discussions and notes any errors for DEC. Ss will go back to main session after 2 mins.
S from each pair will share their responses with the class. T writes responses on Google Slides (annotation tools).
T identifies common errors during monitoring of previous tasks and addresses any issues as required (such as pronunciation, spelling, any content from the lesson).
If time permits: Ask Ss to give more examples of what is modern and what is traditional in their country. e.g. mobile phone, air conditioning, text message, emails, lights (modern) e.g. send a letter, hand held fan, telegram, candles (traditional)
Thank Ss for coming and close the session.