Teaching Practice 7
Elementary level
Main Aims
Grammar - To review and extend ss awareness of "going to," and give controlled and semi-controlled practice in the context of future goals.
Subsidiary Aims
Speaking - To give ss practice in speaking for fluency.
Procedure (45 minutes)
Begin the lesson by asking the ss some questions: Are there certain things that you are going to do before you turn 60 years old? On New Year's Eve, you are supposed to say what you will do in the new year. Do you know what these are called? New Year's Resolutions. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions last year? Have you done them? When I read the magazine article 16 things to do before you turn 60 years old. I was reminded of some of my New Year's Resolutions (because I said that I was going to do these things this year). I want to share some of them with you... but first, we're going to play a little game. What do we call it when we don't tell the truth? When do we tell lies? Has anyone ever told a lie? Are lies good or bad? Explain to ss... I'm going to play a little game with you called "3 Truths and 1 Lie" Your job is to try and figure out which sentence is a lie. SENTENCES: 1. I'm going to drink more water. 2. I'm going to take a break and travel. 3. I'm going to laugh more. 4. I'm not going to worry. Which sentence is a lie? MINGLING ACTIVITY: Have ss stand up (divide into Questions and Answers) I'm going to give you a piece of paper. You will either have a question or an answer. Your job is to find your match. There is one answer for every question. For Example... do a DEMO Once everyone has a match - these are their new pairs -- and they should sit next to their partner.
Divide the WB into three columns (PAST / PRESENT / FUTURE). Have students bring their questions and answers and stick them on the board - in one of the columns. FB: Have ss check to see if they are all correct (all in the Future column) Is everyone happy about this? Would you change any? Next, write three of the sentences (from the mingling activity) on the WB: I'm going to study English next year. I'm not going to travel next year. Are you going to watch TV tonight? Then, give ss large pieces of paper to see if they can guess (understand) the correct word order of a "going to" sentence and/or question. NOTE: Future time expressions can either come at the beginning of the sentence or the end (but not in the middle). Divide ss into PAIRS HO: Give ss the Form Gap Fill. Have them complete the forms. FB: Check with your partner WC FB: Is everyone happy? Would you change anything?
Explain to ss that they will fill in the blanks of the gap fill. They need to look at the pictures and decide what the people's plans are for the future. For example, #1... What is the man doing? What is he throwing away? Why would he throw away cigarettes? Yes, so the sentence should read, "I'm going to stop smoking." Divide ss into 4 small groups (4 fruits, perhaps). Explain to ss that they will now be given a sentence that has been cut up. Their task is to put the sentences into the correct word order. FB: Have ss check with each other to see if they are correct. WC FB: Perhaps have the ss write the sentences on the WB... if time allows.
Put ss in new pairs. Show the ss the article they read with Mohammed (16 before 60). Explain that they will pick three things that they are going to do, and three things they are not going to do. They will then tell these to their partners. Give 2 minutes to brainstorm... write down ideas, but no sentences. Monitor during activity. Have ss switch, so that their partner now has a turn to speak. FB: What did you learn about your partner? Do quick feedback in terms of content? accuracy?
Put ss in new pairs. Now they are going to play 3 Truths and a Lie. Each partner is going to first brainstorm about additional things (not included in the magazine article) that they would like to do before turning 60 years old. They can take notes, but do not write any sentences. One they have had chance to brainstorm, now they can tell their partner four things (one item must be a lie)... and the partner needs to figure out which statement is a lie. Once the lie is understood, the partners switch, and ss B says four statements. Ss A tries to figure out which statement is a lie. FB: What is one truth you learned about your partner? Do you remember the lie your partner told you? WC FB: Briefly talk about content and accuracy. At the end of class, give ss Reference HO for "going to" form and usage.