Frazer Worthington Frazer Worthington

Solutions pages 60 - 61
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students review the past simple of ' be ' and ' can ' in a game format. On page 60 the students learn vocabulary related to describing a place and listen about things to do and places to go within the context of visiting Sydney. On page 61 the class have practice with the past simple affirmative and focus on the ending sound of common regular verbs.


Abc Presentation
Abc Pictures ( x 1 set stuck around the room )
Abc Pronunciation worksheet
Abc Sentence starters.
Abc Answers worksheet ( One copy for the teacher )
Abc Listening transcript
Abc A4 paper ( x 1 sheet for each student )
Abc Pronunciation worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice of a radio announcement about places to visit in Sydney.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about things to do in Sydney in the context of of being tourist.
  • To provide practice of past simple affirmative in the context of talking about personal past events


Past simple of 'be' and 'can' review. (8-10 minutes) • To provide spoken production clarification and consolidation of the target language.

1. Explain they are going to play a game to review the last lesson. Review page 59 exercise 5 with the class by having pairs race to write the questions in their notebook. 2. Step one; Have students imagine what they could and couldn't do when they were eight. The students work together in pairs. Each student writes down three ways in which he thinks that he and his partner are similar and three ways in which he thinks they are different. He does not show his partner what he has written. 4. The students use the structure; You could / couldn't.....when you were eight. Questions; Could you ....... when you were eight? 5. First, both students tell each other about the similarities and talk about where they were right or wrong, then they talk about the differences. 6. Students receive one point for each correct sentence. 7. Bring the class back together to review some of the questions and answers pairs made.

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Show slide one to the class and read the instructions. This game is Family Fortunes style. 2. Have pairs work together to guess the top five answers. 3. Reveal the answers to the class. 1. Sydney, 2. Tokyo, 3. London, 4. Paris 5. New York. 4. Show slide two and have the students guess where this place is.

Pre-Reading. (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Focus on the pictures in slide two and elicit the city. Tell the class they are going to read a text about places to visit and things to do in Sydney. Ask the class to make a prediction about the content of the text. 2. Scaffold the answers by writing and saying, 'I think the text talks about swimming with sharks'. 3. Give students three minutes to make three predictions about the text. 4. Show slide three and pre-teach the adjectives highlighted in yellow on-page 60. Concept check the meaning, drill each word chorally, groups and individuals. 5. Prepare the class for the first reading

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. Distribute the pictures and sentence starters text to the students. 2. Students work alone to match the pictures to the sentences. 3. Check the answers with the students. 4. Ask the class to confirm their predictions from the pre-reading stage. 5. Focus on exercise 2 - Set a timer of five minutes for the students to complete the questions. 6. Students check answers in pairs afterwards. 7. Bring the class together to check the answers. ( Teacher checks answer worksheet )

While-Reading / listening #2 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading and listening.

1. Students close their books. 2. Show slide four to the class. 3. Tell the class their are some words missing from the text. 4. Show slide four with the words. 5. Students work to write the missing words in the gaps in their notebooks. 6. Check the answers with the class on the board. 7. Students complete exercise three on page 60. 8. Check answers with the students. 9. Tell the class in Sydney you can also visit a lot of different places. 10. Show slide five with the places. Check the name of each place with the students ( Refer to exercise five) 11. Focus on exercise 5 with the class. Check the instructions with the class. Play the audio CD 2.31. 12. Have pairs check answers together. 13. Pair students together and sit them back to back. Hand a transcript to one of the students. The student with the transcript reads it to their partner. Their partner looks at exercise six and decides if the statements are true or false. 14. Students then change roles and repeat. 15. Bring the class back together to check the answers.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Read through exercise seven with the class page 70. 2. Divide the class into pairs and to think about either Hanoi or Sydney or a place they have visited. 3. Point out the useful phrases they can use. Demonstrate that they can use the text or the listening transcript to help them write. 4. Show slide six to give an example to the students and point out the features on the side of the slide. 3. Have students work on the task and distribute A4 paper to design their webpage. 4. Any work that is not finished will be for homework.

Break time (5-5 minutes)
Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set a context for the reading.

1. Show slide seven to the class. 2. Elicit what is happening. Brainstorm possible words associated with the picture. Write these words around the picture.

Exposure of the target language. (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with exposure to the target language.

1. Tell the class to write any words they hear on the board when you read the text. 2. Read the text from exercise one on-page 61, slowly and clearly to the class. Give the class time to write any words they hear. 3. Read the text again to the class. 4. Check the answers with the class. 5. Ask the questions from exercise one to the class and elicit answers. 6. Have the class turn to page 61 and read the text to check answers.

Noticing the pronunciation examples. (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for the students to notice the ending sound of the past simple verbs.

1. Complete exercise two and three with the students. Afterwards, the students close their books 2. Then tell the class you want them to listen again carefully to the end sound of the verbs. 3. Read the text again to the students clearly and slowly so there is time for the students to hear the ending sound of the verbs. 4. Elicit answers from the students. 5. Show slide eight with the three categories and establish that the past simple verbs have either of the three endings. Provide a model to the class and say each word to the class, empathising the ending sounds. 6. Tell the class you want them to organise the verbs from the text on exercise one and exercise five In pairs into a table. The students practice saying the words and then decide which category the word goes into. Encourage the class that you will help and check the answers later, so it is o.k to experiment and get the sound incorrect. 7. Distribute the worksheet to the students to organise the verbs. 8. Monitor the class and make note of any pronunciation problems.

Clarifying the ending sounds (4-5 minutes) • To provide clarification of the ending sounds.

1. Read the list of verbs to the students one by one from the text on exercise one and exercise five. Follow the following procedure; students listen to the teacher say the word, students listen to the word, students say the word to themselves in their head or quietly out loud, teacher elicits repetition, then clarification or repairing of the ending sound. Write the answer in the correct column on slide eight. 2. Repeat with all of the words.

Extra time

1. Complete exercises 6,7,8 if there is extra time or set as homework.

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