Ariel R. De Castro Ariel R. De Castro

TP 7b_"Sixteen before Sixty"_Lexis & Listening
A2 level


In this lesson Ss learn and practice MFP (meaning, form, pronunciation) through the collocation of the verbs do and make.The listening part is based on a radio programme in which four people are asked for their views about a magazine article titled: "16 things to do before you are 60". Ss identify the collocations in the article and their comprehension skills are tested by activities in which they match those people's names and their resolutions with one or more paragraphs (or highlighted words) in the article. Ss will demonstrate their grasp of the proper use of collocations by using them in sentences and/or role play activities.


Abc H/O Macmillan Straightforward Elementary Student's Book, Teacher's Book and Workbook (Clandfield)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice on the make - do verb collocations through the context of things they want to do before turning 60 years old.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about things people want to do before 60


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher introduces the topic with a story about any given day in his life. The aim of it is to use the verb collocations make and do. "Every day I get up and the first thing I do is going to the kitchen and make myself a light breakfast (milk with coffee). When I don't have to work I like to go to the gym to do exercises. They make me feel good, both physically and mentally. After the work out, I do some reading. I usually enjoy any book that makes me feel I am learning something or just making me comfortable. Reading is part of my routine. On weekends, I like to do something fun and interesting. I either go out to visit a friend (s) to do some talking and have some fun or stay home and make dinner. I try to relax on weekends. As a rule, even though I might think of any problem, I avoid making any important decisions. I do that during the business days. Part of Life is a lot about making mistakes -I think- so I avoid doing any over-thinking that makes me worry all the time. Before getting older, I want to use my time doing things I like. Living in the present is essential but making plans is helpful".

Pre-Listening / Vocabulary (12-14 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T asks students what they think the listening is going to be about and take some ideas.T writes I DO --- I MAKE on w/b and asks a student. Then T hands strips of paper with words written on them (eg. decisions; homework) and tells Ss (in pairs) to put them where they belong. T introduces Ss the text "16 before 60", and explains how they are going to proceed by underlining the first "make-do" collocation in it. Then Ss take a look at the text to find and underline every one of such collocations. T makes clear that Ss should not underline "do" when it is in the form of an auxiliary verb. If there is any problem with this, T elicits function with the following explanation: "Do you do your homework every day?" CCQ: Is the first "do" in this sentence -Do you- an action? (No). Is it helping to ask a question? (yes). "No, I don't do my homework every day" CCQ: Is "I don't" helping to make a negative sentence? (yes). Is "do homework" an action? (yes). Ss do ex. 2 of H/O to test how they use collocations (make-do) with adverbs of time and frequency.

While Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T tells Ss that they are going to listen to an interview where five people talk. There is a reporter, who asks questions, and four other people who give answers. Each answer has to do with, matches, one or more than one of the numbered paragraphs in the text they Ss looking at. As they listen, Ss must put a tick on the paragraph that corresponds with what the people in the interview are talking about. The interview will be paused after the first person talks so T can check if Ss really understand the task. Then the interviews are played again without pause and w/c feedback is taken.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

The recording is played again, and according to what the interviewed have said, Ss match the statements or sentences in ex. 4 (handout) with the names of the 5 people participating in the interview (David, Sandra, Will, Ali and Jarvis). Then some G-W and W/C feedback in order to check and compare answers.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

As a free practice on this receptive skills lesson, in small groups, Ss are given pictures with people engaged in different activities. T asks them to write do or make below every picture. If time permits, Ss write a small paragraph (4 or 5 sentences) about what they think they would like to do to do before turning 60 years old. At least a "make-do" collocation must be used. Then Ss read their 'stories' and w/c FB is done in this manner.

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