Comparative/superlative form
pre-Intermediate level


This lesson is designed to teach the superlative and comparative form to intermediate form.


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Main Aims

  • To enable students to talk and write physical apearances and personal characteristics.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable studnets to practice the use of superlative and comparative forms.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T projects a selection of pictures where there are two friends talking, siblings playing... T asks students what the relationship may be between these couples. Ss share their predictions ( expected answers are: siblings, sisters, brothers, relatives, husband and wife...) T asks students if they think these people look the same, behave the same, think the same, or feel the same way? T asks students to give examples. T reacts to Ss answers and writes some of their answers on the board: the board may look like this:

Initial reading task (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information / general understanding

T projects the text on the screen or distributes the handout. T asks students to read the texts and highlight the differences between Sarah and her best friend Batty. T asks students to check their answers in pairs/small groups. T asks students for the words they highlighted. T writes them on the board where there is already a table divided into two sections, superlative and comparative form. T writes them down as students answer. T explains the difference between the two forms. T uses CCQ to ensure students understand, T elicit examples from students.

Detailed reading task (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading

T asks students to go back to the text and do exercise 1. Ss work in pairs or small groups. T repeats the Instructions to make sure Ss understand the task. T monitors as Ss do the task. T nominates students from each pair to answer. T asks Ss if they agree/disagree. T provides feedback.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks students to choose a person ( a brother, sister, cousin, best friend, a colleague) and try to generate as many differences as possible in terms of character, personality, and manners. After Ss choose, T asks them to write a short paragraph explaining the differences. T asks students if the instructions are clear. T advises students to use some of the already studied superlative/comparative forms if applicable. T monitors and answers Ss questions. T asks Ss to share their answers to the class. T notes down language errors. T reacts to each contribution and goes over some errors made, providing feedback and eliciting answers from Ss.

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