David Taylor David Taylor

Teaching Practice 6
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practise using reported speech. They will have been introduced to the grammar structures relating to reported speech in the previous lesson, so this will be a lesson of reviewing, clarification, and practice. Students will correct incorrect sentences, ask each other questions and report back the answers, and play a board game which requires accurate reported speech production.


Abc Reported Speech Board Game
Abc Dice
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Board game counters

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice of reported speech

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of reported speech


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To check Ss understand the concept of reported speech and can use basic forms

Ss will ask each other what they did at the weekend. T will get several Ss to report back what their partner said. Hopefully the correct form of reported speech will be given. T will model if necessary. T will write a couple of sentences on the board in direct speech. e.g. "I'm angry" "I went to the football match" "I can hear the teacher" "Why are you listening to music?" Ss will be asked to put the sentences into reported speech using the lead in "He said (that) ...." or "He asked ...." They can discuss in pairs before giving answers to T.

Controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • Ss will accurately convert direct speech into reported speech in a gap-fill exercise

Ss will be given a dialogue between two friends with a number of gaps. The gaps must be filled with reported statements, nearly all questions, which are given in their direct form above the dialogue. Ss will work individually, then can compare answers in pairs. Answers can be given in the form of an answer key if it seems Ss have made good progress and errors are minor, or through WC FB if it seems they need greater understanding of how to form reported questions. If useful Ss can do follow-up exercise of converting reported speech to direct speech, to check they understand what was originally said, specifically the tense used. FB can be done in the same way as previous activity

Semi-controlled practice (12-15 minutes) • To give Ss opportunity to practise reported speech in a competitive and interactive context

Put Ss into groups of 3-4. Give each group a copy of the board, a dice, and counters. To play the game, Ss take turns to throw the dice and move around the board. When they land on a square, they must put the sentence or question in the speech bubble into reported speech form using the verb at the bottom of the square. Ss should also look at the people on the square, and use the correct pronouns and possessive adjectives. If a S thinks another S' sentence is incorrect, they can challenge them. If they can't agree, they should ask T to judge. If S gets the sentence wrong, they must move back to their previous square. If a S lands on a square than another S has already landed on, they must report the sentence again. The first S to reach the finish square wins. T will monitor and correct where necessary

Free speaking practice (10-12 minutes) • For students to fluently practise TL in a less-controlled context.

Get Ss to write one interesting question that they ask all the students in the class. T can write prompts on WB to help them think of ideas for questions: likes and dislikes, best and worst life experiences, things you did last weekend, plans for the future, free time activities, past and present habits. Check the accuracy of their questions. Ss mingle, asking each other their questions, and noting answers. They then sit down in pairs, tell each other what questions they asked and what responses they received, all in reported speech. T wil conduct brief FB on both content and accuracy.

Flexi-stage speaking practice if time. (8-10 minutes) • For students to fluently practise TL in a less-controlled context

Similar to the previous activity, Ss write a question to pose to each other and T will check the accuracy. This time however, Ss must remember the questions they are asked when they mingle. They can write down a few words to help them remember the questions. In pairs they will report all the questions they were asked and the answers they gave in response to them. T will conduct FB in the same way.

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