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Reading lesson, Inventions
UI 3 level


In this lesson Ss practice reading skills in the context of the seven worst inventions. The lesson starts with a discussion about the worst inventions. This is followed by gist reading for Ss to check their made guesses. Then, there is some controlled practice through marking sentences T/F. Finally, the lesson ends in freer practice via a problem-solving speaking activity.


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Main Aims

  • To practice gist and detailed reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in the context of inventions


Warmer/Ice-breaker ( Done Asynchronously) • To engage students mentally and emotionally

T sends a picture of herself demonstrating an object she likes and one she hates to Ss' group on telegram and she explains her reasons. T asks Ss to send to look around the house and choose one object they like and one they detest and send a photo of them to the group explaining their reasons.

Pre-Reading (Done Asynchronously) • To set lesson context and prepare students for the text

T asks Ss to pair up and think of the seven worst inventions discussing their reasons in their private chats. T asks Ss to share their lists of the seven worst inventions with other pairs on their telegram group. T pre-teaches new words through a video of herself.

While-Reading (Done Asynchronously and Synchronously) • To provide students with less challenging gist and more challenging detailed tasks

(Done Asynchronously) T asks Ss to read the text to check their made guesses about the seven worst inventions. T asks Ss to read the text one more time to mark some sentences T/F. (Done Synchronously) Ice-breaker: T asks Ss the following questions: 1. What is the funniest Wi-Fi name you've seen? 2. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Then, T starts to check the answers of the T/F part of the reading. T asks Ss to explain their reasons for choosing T/F for each item.

Post-Reading (Done Synchronously and Asynchronously) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

(Done Synchronously) T sends Ss to breakout rooms and asks them to discuss the following question: Which inventions do you think should not be mentioned on the list? T asks each group to choose one person and write a report of the things the group discusses in the note area to share with other groups afterwards. T reads the reports aloud and asks Ss to write whether they agree with their friends' opinions or not in the note area. (Done Asynchronously) T sends a video of herself finding a solution for the better function of a bad invention as an example to the group on telegram. T asks Ss to form different groups on telegram. T asks Ss to think of a bad invention and also a way to make that invention function better. T asks Ss to choose a member of their group to film him/herself explaining their solution. T asks each group to share their video with other groups.

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