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A1 level


In this lesson Ls will learn about the public and private transport and take some general information about the usage of transport in developed countries based on the text.


Abc Longman Dictionary of contemporary English.
Abc Cutting Edge Student Book Elementary
Abc explaining meaning
Abc different responses (True , False)

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Travel in the context of 9 things you didn't know about world travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about Travel in the context of 9 things you didn't know about world travel
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Travel in the context of 9 things you didn't know about world travel


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic of the lesson

T will generate interest by modeling how he/she travel in the city and between cities and countries. T will ask Ls how do they travel in the city and between cities and countries. T will monitor them and do correction or give direction when it is necessary.( 3-4 minutes)

Pre-Reading/Listening (9-12 minutes) • To prevent Ls blocking on unknown vocabulary in the text,questions and answers.

T will use slides to teach Ls new vocabulary and while teaching T will drill new vocabulary with correct pronunciation and stress. T will ask CCQs for words below: 1- Average CCQs: 1/1- Are the average family rich? (No) 2/1- Are they poor ? (No) 2- Including CCQs: 1/2- Does $7 include sales tax? (No) 2/2- Do they have to pay more to buy it ?(yes) (5-6 minutes) T will give all of the new vocabulary list in the end to the Ls . T will give exercise one p:42 and will ask Ls to match the photos with the words in the box. T will modeling with one of the words and will ask the Ls to do the rest.(2-3 minutes) T will monitor Ls and will lead them if it's necessary. T will ask Ls to compare the answers in a group .(1-2 minutes) *****Note: If the time exceeded T can escape GW. T will give the answers in the end.

Set context (2-3 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic of the text

T will give title of the text and will ask Ls about their ideas about text. T will ask 2-3 Ls and pass this stage. (2-3 minutes)

Gist task (9-10 minutes) • To give Ls a reason to read at a general level

T will ask Ls to read the article fast and answer the first question in a group . T will get sure by asking ICQs: Will you do it alone or with friends? (with friends) T will monitor them during the task and will lead them if it's necessary. (3-4 minutes) T will play the audio and will ask the learners to check the answers. *****Note: not more than 2 times repeat the audio. ICQs : will you listen and check? (yes)( 6 minutes) T will give Ls the answers.

Specific information task (4-5 minutes) • To find specific information in the text.

T will ask learners to work in pair and answer the question below: How many public transport were named in the context. write them down. ICQs: Will you write public transport or private transport ? ( public transport) Will you write them ? ( yes) Will you count them ? (yes) T will monitor them and lead them if it's necessary. T will ask the number and the names from the class . T will give Ls the answer .

Detailed task • To Ls a reason to read at detailed level.

T will ask learners to read the text and answer the true false question. T will monitor the Ls and lead them if it's necessary.(2-3 minutes) T will ask Ls to check the answers in the group. T will monitor Ls an lead them if it's necessary. T will give the answers.

Follow up (4-5 minutes) • To give Ls the chance to respond to the text to balance productive and receptive skills
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