B2 ( Upper intermediate ) level

Main Aims
To improve students listening ability.Students will listen to discussion about renovation in their home,.one of whom family has entered competition on environmental improvement. Students will answer some questions about the listening .
Subsidiary Aims
To learn new vocabulary on household repair and improvement.They will also do some discussion on environmental improvement.
Procedure (29-45 minutes)
The teacher starts by pasting pictures of houses on the white board to brainstorm the meaning of " Green houses and greenhouses" .Then drill the pronunciation. and help students with the meaning.They will work in groups to discuss the question"what would you do to improve your environment if you were given thousands of dollars by the local council?".
The teacher brainstorms and pre-teach these words and phrases:dust , rubble ,insulation ,sledgehammer, wiring,plumbing,flush the toilet and double glazing..Then the teacher plays the recording and students listen to two friends discussing about renovation in the home to make the home environmentally friendly .The questions are in two stages.In the first stage They will listen for gist and answer the questions in pairs or group in he second stage they will listen for details and answer the question.
Teacher elicits words that collocate with " make " from the students and they work pairs to use the word "make"in expressions related to repair work at home..Then students listen to the same recording again and answer another questions.on it.
Students mingle with each other and speak about " How they could make their home environmentally friendly".They will use "make" in expressions in the context of repair work at home to improve the environment.
Pictures,photocopied slips, PC, board marker.