Teaching Practice 5
Elementary level
Main Aims
Lexis - To introduce and give ss controlled and freer practice in adjectives of opinion in the context of places to visit.
Subsidiary Aims
Speaking - To give ss practice in accuracy and speaking for fluency.
Procedure (45 minutes)
Put ss in pairs. Explain to ss that my sister is coming to Istanbul. Set Task: Explain that the ss need to listen to the story and put the cut-up sentences in order (first, second, third, etc.) For example, "The Four Seasons is a nice hotel." That sentence is first. FB: Have ss check their sentence order with other groups. Ask if they need to hear it again? Does Everyone agree? Take away the sentences.
Now, show ss pictures based on the story and ask if they can remember some of the words. For example, show ss picture of Four Seasons Hotel: CCQ's: This is the Four Seasons. Is it an awful hotel? Is it a terrible hotel? Is it a NICE hotel? Drill pronunciation of "nice" using choral drilling (WC, men, women, individually) Once the meaning, form and pronunciation are understood, write the word on the right hand side of the WB. Do the same with the remaining 8 adjectives. To make sure ss understand the meaning of the words, do two more activities. First, have ss work in pairs, and sort the words in two columns, positive and negative. Then, when ss are finished, give them the words and have them come up to the WB and place them on a scale. This activity will check to see which words are strong positive, weak positive, and weak negative and strong negative.
Show ss the HO. Explain that they will first read the five sentences. Once they have read the sentences, explain that you will play a recording. The ss will need to listen, and underline the correct word. ICQ's: Will you circle the word? Will you underline the word? Play the first sentence, stop the recording, and say, "For example, the answer to number 1 is..." Show ss that you will underline the correct word. Play the rest of the recording. FB: Do you want to hear it again? Play the recording again. FB: Have ss check their answers with their partner. WC FB: Have ss write the correct words on the WB.
Have ss work in pairs. Set Task: Show ss the handout. Explain that they will look at the picture and then choose the correct words to complete the text. Ss do task. FB: Have them check with other groups. WC FB: Have ss write answers on the WB If time permits, give ss a semi-controlled activity, in which they need to fill-in the gap fills with the TL.
Change up the pairs. Make sure ss know who is SS A and who is SS B. Set Task: Explain that SS A will interview SS B about Istanbul. SS A will ask SS B various questions (using the TL) and SS B will answer. SS A should write the answers on the HO. ICQ's: Who will ask the questions? Who will answer them? Who will write down the answers? Give ss time to interview each other. MONITOR - and take down notes for delayed feedback. When ss are done. SS B will now interview SS A. WC FB: Ask ss what they learned about each other? Go through the questions and find out who answered what.