Aya Aya

Structure and usage of feeling verbs
Elementary students level


In this lesson, students will focus on expressing their degree of interest in the topic of shopping through using a variety of different feelings verbs (like, don't like, love, and hate + verb +ing). The lesson starts with the teacher clarifying the first exercise as a warm up to know what kind of shopping everyone likes going for. Is it shopping for clothes or for presents or for other kinds mentioned in the exercise. Then, the teacher tries to highlight the target language through using the listening existed in exercise (c), and emphasizes the use of feeling verbs +verb+ing to express each one's degree of interest in the context of shopping. After that, the teacher presents a language clarification through using the Facebook icons to refer to each of the four feelings verbs. Then, the teacher works on clarifying the meaning,form and pronunciation of each sentence through eliciting and drilling. In addition, the teacher presents a number of exercises to train Ss on the usage of feeling verbs in the context of shopping and daily life as well.


Abc Listening 5,6
Abc Flashcards

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Feelings verbs followed by the present participles in the context of Like, love, hate + verb + ing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in listening for gist and specific information in the same context.


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • Generate interest in the topic of the lesson

The teacher uses the first exercise as a warm up activity so as to enable each one to choose his/her favourite things which he/she likes buying. The teacher provides an exampled demonstration using chesting and ICQs. For example, the teacher says" I like buying clothes and books, so I tick only clothes and books". "Do l tick presents? The answer is No . Do l tick CDs and DVDs? The answer is No... I tick only clothes and books. After doing the exercise, Ss check answers with their partners. To do exercise (b), the teacher asks everyone what he/she mostly like buying from his/her answer in exercise (a).

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • Ensure LS are comfortable with the text before exploiting it for language.

The teacher provides Ss with a listening and asks them to re-arrange the pictures in a numbered order from 1 to 4 according to the listening. The teacher provides the first part of the listening as an example and asks Ss to elicit which picture is this. It's picture (d). Then the teacher asks Ss to continue the exercise in two minutes then check with their partners. Here, Ss are provided with clear examples of the target language in the context of shopping

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • Highlight the target language [TL] in context

The teacher provides images of Facebook icons( like, love, sad as don't like, and angry as hate). The teacher asks ICQs to emphasize the meaning of each one( which one is like and which one is hate , is the icon sad refers to love?). The teacher sticks the pictures on board. The teacher asks Ss to do the exercise (d) after listening one more time to the previous audio. Before starting the exercise, the teacher asks Ss to read the four sentences first then start the task. Also the teacher asks ICQS to check if they have understood the instructions (so which one is first reading the sentences or listening to the audio?) The teacher gives them ten seconds to read the sentences then plays the audio to start the task of completing the fill-in gaps in four minutes. Then the teacher asks Ss to check answers in pairs.

Language Clarification (5-7 minutes) • Provide clarification of the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the TL

The teacher draws in board a table to give specific information about the form of each sentence ( the subject, the feeling verb, the verb+ing, and the object). Then the teacher writes the first sentence ( I love buying clothes) and starts to asks ICQS about each section . (I is what, the subject or the verb) yes it's the subject as well as he, she they and we),( and love here is a verb or an object, yes it's a verb ,a feeling verb ) , ( and what about buying, is it buy or buying? Why? Yes because it comes after a feeling verb). Finally clothes will be what.. a subject or an object? Yes it is an object as it comes after the verb. And so the teacher provides the same demonstration of the other three sentences with Ss .

Practice (controlled) (10-15 minutes) • Provide an opportunity for LS to use the TL

In a number of three exercises, the teacher asks Ss to use the target language in different ways. In page.128, exercise 4B/a , the teacher clarifies three different conditions of the verb that takes the addition of -ing. There are normal verbs that take -ing with no change in it's form (e.g. work=working) . There are verbs that end with a consonant letter preceded by a vowel letter. In this case, the last consonant letter is dubbled before adding-ing ( e.g. run=running). At last, There are verbs that end with -e. In this case, the letter -e is removed and then -ing is added (e.g. write=writing). The teacher gives the task in the shape of three columned table and asks Ss to write the -ing form of the verbs in five minutes then check answers with their partners. In exercise 4B/b, the teacher asks Ss to write sentences using the subject (He) +feelings verbs+s +the object . The Ss will do the task using the Facebook emojis to know which feeling verb would be used +sentences provided in the exercise. The teacher provides an exampled demonstration with Ss in the first sentence ( e.g. He loves watching TV) . In page.42, the teacher asks Ss to make true sentences about themselves using feeling verbs and the object provided ( e.g. I like buying clothes, I don't like trying on clothes, l love going shopping with my family, l hate shopping on Saturdays)

Feedback (1-2 minutes) • Praise good use of TL to correct errors in TL use

The teacher revises the form of the TL quickly with Ss as well as the -ing form of verbs as mentioned in exercises. The teacher praises their good use of TL and thanks Ss for their listening.

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