Shahram Shahram

Moving abroad
Upperintermediate level B2 level


The lesson is designed in such a way so that Ss could personalize the topic and discuss their own ideas by the end of the session after they have read a passage on the best and the worst countries to be an expatriate. In this lesson, students will receive ample information from the text in order to form a better understanding of where the best and worst countries are to be an expatriate and later on they could incorporate their understanding of the passage into their final discussion stage in order to have an argumentative discussion.


Abc Matching Questions HO
Abc World Map
Abc Colored pins
Abc Photos
Abc The Reading Passage on Moving abroad

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with a reading passage on Moving abroad to help them improve their Skimming and Scanning skills

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency practice for Ss in the context of Moving abroad


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'd put the map of the world on the wall and then provide the Ss with colored pins. Later, I'd have them pinpoint their favorite country and then tell their friends why they have chosen that specific country. I would write their reasons on the board while they are talking. The possible words to be mentioned: for travelling, studying, work, living, having or raising children. By eliciting these words, I would give the Ss some idea of what they should expect to read about later on in the text. Then I would count the number of countries or continents chosen by the Ss, and calculate the percentage and later would ask the following question: Do you think that these numbers could reflect the general fact of our society? Why?

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

in this stage, I would teach the following words in order to help Ss understand the text with much more ease. Expatriate, Xenophobia, Legislation First of all, I'd show photos of expats living in different countries such as An American living in China, an Afghan living in Iran, an a Mexican living in America. Then, I would ask these questions: Does this person look Chinese, Iranian, American? Where do you think he/she is from? Later, if Ss couldn't come up with the word ''Expatriate'' I would tell them that A person from a country such as Iran living or working in another country such as America is Called an '' Expatriate''. I later would go for Choral and then individual repetition. After I've made sure that Ss can pronounce the word, I would write it on the board and tell them the Part of speech of the word. Next, I would go for the next word 'Xenophobia'' by asking the following question: Do you like the expatriates living in your countries? Ss would probably say Yes, but in this case, I can tell them that there some people who dislike or fear expatriates, so they are called,'' Xenophobic''. I would go for the Choral and then individual repetition to make sure that they have learned how to pronounce the word. Later, I would put the word on the board with its correct Part of speech (Adj). Then, I would tell them that the fear and the dislike of people from other countries is ...? Supposedly, they can say ''Xenophobia''. If not, I would tell them and repeat the stages as mentioned earlier. To teach the word, ''Legislation'', I would come up with the next question: What rules or set of rules do you have for immigrants in your country? they would come up with some rules most definitely. Then, I would tell them that these rules are called, ''Legislation''. I would have them repeat the word chorally and then individually and later repeat the next stages as mentioned earlier. To make sure that all Ss have learned words I would ask them the following CCQs. - Do expatriates come from other countries originally? - Are they the from the host country originally? Does Xenophobia mean love for people from other countries? Does Xenophobia mean dislike or fear for people from other countries? Does legislation mean the set of rules in a country?

While-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

I'd have Ss fold the Reading passage from the middle of the page vertically. Then, I'd ask them to go through the first half individually. Although they have only read half of the passage, they'd have some idea of what the passage is about and therefore I could ask them to sit in pairs and share their partial understanding of the text in order to see if they both have more or less comprehended the text equally or not. If yes, they need to make some rough guesses about what the full passage would be like based on their newly gained information from half of the passage. If not, they need to put their understanding of the text next to each other to figure out what the text is really about. Once they are done, I'd ask them to unfold the passage and go through the full text once again in 5 minutes to see if their guesses about the passage match their general understanding of the text. They are then put in pairs to discuss and share their understanding in order to form a more complete understanding of the passage.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading tasks

In this stage, I will have the Ss answer the Matching Question which is provided on a handout to help them improve their Scanning skill. And once they are done, I would have them check their answers with their partners and try to justify their answers to generate speaking through out the While reading stage. Later, I would write the answers on the board and ask them to check their own answers with ones on the board.

Post-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

in this stage, I would rearrange Ss randomly first to make sure they have the chance to interact with other Ss in the class. To do so, I would have 4 red paper clips, 4 green and 4 blue in a bag. Students must pick one without looking into the bag. Those with the same color, must sit together and share their ideas on the questions provided. Students will be instructed to personalize the topic and asked to discuss the following questions: Which of the countries mentioned in the passage do you want to move to? What's motivating you to go there? What would your major obstacles be there? How do you plan to deal with them?

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