victoria namiiro victoria namiiro

Elementary Level level


In this lesson, students will learn about vocabulary in the present simple tense where they will be introduced to a lesson warming activity of talking about their free time activities.This will be followed by ticking on the activities they know on the hand out provided which will be followed by grammar practice through speaking.


Abc face2face R4.1,face2face R4.2,face2face Elementary students book and Teachers book.
Abc face2face handout with activities stds know about,HO with a picture of paul at the weather station,

Main Aims

  • The main aim of my lesson is to teach students about vocabulary in the context of free time activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening,speaking and grammer practice in order to ehnance accuracy and fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-5 minutes) • To generate students interest in the lesson context of free time activities.

I will start by asking students activities they do in their free time and then provide them with a handout to tick the phrases they know.I will ask them to stand up individually and say out the activities they have ticked and after that provide a hand out to them to do a matching exercise just to be sure that they know the meanings of those activities.

Pre/teach stage and feed back stage (3-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

while the students are doing the matching exercise,i will draw the boxes and numbers on the white board and make corrections as the whole class.I will highlight the pattern go+verb+ing in the present simple tense and write some of the activity phrases there in order to make short sentences.for example activities like swimming,running,dancing,skiing.example i want to go swimming,will you go skiing? I will also let the students know that we say listen to music but listen to the radio.I will also pay particular attention to pronounciation of certain phrases like skiing and listening,i will explain to the students that when pronouncing skiing we do not mention the g and for a word like listen we do not pronounce the t but rather we say lisen.

Practicing and eliciting stage. (3-7 minutes) • To review the present simple simple tense as regarding the phrases mentioned earlier.

I will try to drill from the students the meaning of present simple tense and then explain what it means,i will then use the speech bubbles to remind students how to make present simple questions with you,for example do you read?And ask students to do it pairs with the rest of the phrases on the HO.students work in pairs and take turns to ask each other questions about their free time activities. After that i will write some of the answers on the white board and elicit if they are negative or positive.for example do you go to town every day?Depending on the answer i will drill and explain if its positive or negative.

Listening for details stage. (3-5 minutes) • To improve students receptive skills.

I will provide students with a photo of paul in pairs and ask them to look at it,I will ask them where paul is,ask them who Alison and Erin are? I will give students time to read sentences 1 to 4 and then play the recording R 4.1,students will listen to Alison talk about paul to her friend vicky and then give them a hand out to choose the correct answers. I will then check answers with the class.In the same pairs i will ask students to look at question 1a and guess from the activities what they think paul does in his free time.I will play R4.2 for the students and check if their guesses are correct.

Listening 2 (3-7 minutes) • I aim at helping students to understand that we often link words together in natural spoken English.

I will play R 4.1 and ask students to listen and follow Alisons part of the conversation.I will write the example sentence on the board and point out the linking between the final consonant sounds and the initial vowel sound i will read the sentence and show how it makes two words sound like one word,i will highlight that its the initial and final sounds that are important not the spelling for example people at links even though people ends in a vowel.students will after be put into pairs and instructed to find four examples of consonant vowel linking in vickys part of the conversation.

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