Copy of TP #: 3 | Dynamic & Stative Verbs
B1 (Pre-Intermediate) level
Main Aims
To provide review of Dynamic Verbs vs. Stative Verbs in the context of Protests & Demonstrations
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of The present continuous vs. The present simple in the context of Dynamic vs. Stative Verbs
Procedure (32-45 minutes)
Ask class- "What do we know about verbs?"-- Action/doing words. Elicit verbs from class and write on WB. Write action verbs on left side (run, jump, walk, sing, eat, grow, sleep, talk, etc) and stative (like, love, prefer, hate, seem, know, understand) verbs on right side, leaving space in the middle for future exercises. The sts might need prompting for the stative verbs. Refer to previous lesson where they learned verb + -ing. CCQ: Go around the room and make sure sts understand the meanings of the verbs on the board.
HO & chest exercise 1. PW to identify the 3 extracts from the radio interviews in the previous lesson as dynamic verbs (action). Sts should answer questions a & b from the exercise with their partner. While sts are working on the question, write the 3 extracts on the WB. Check answers with sts on question a. Before jumping to question b, ask sts which part of the extract is the verb & refer to the sentences up on the WB. Underline the verbs as they identify them (playing, demonstrating, having). Check answer for question b- What is the name of the tense used in all three extracts? --present continuous. CCQ: refer to the extracts on the WB again with underlined verbs + ing and ask "Were people playing music yesterday? Are they demonstrating for equal pay tomorrow?" --No, they are happening right now. Make sure to write on the WB & point out the present tense of "be" is/am/are + ing next to the action verbs side. CCQ: (sts) do you see a pattern? Refer to the "be" forms in the extracts on the board + ing. Give more examples if needed.
Put students into pairs. Chest HO and point exercise 2 out to students- go to their desk if you have to and point on theirs as well. Instruct them to work with their partner to complete the sentences using the present continuous tense. Go through the first example with them that is already done (A phone is ringing). In your instructions, make sure to point out that the word order will not change (i.e. the verb that they are putting into the continuous tense appears in the same place in the completed sentence as it does in the parenthesis before they fix it). ICQ: "Are you putting these in the present future tense?" --No, present continuous. Give them 5 minutes to work out with their partner and then check answers WC rotating seat to seat for b-f asking sts to say the whole sentence out loud. CCQ: What do all of these sentences have in common? (if they are not sure, refer to WB where you wrote the present tense for "be" is/am/are + ing and elicit the answer.
Pair students up (with different partner if possible). Chest HO and direct sts to exercise 4 with more extracts from the listening exercise in the previous lesson. Have them work together with their partner to identify the verbs as dynamic or stative and answer the questions in exercise 4. While sts are working, erase the previous sentences from exercise 1, and replace with the sentence extracts from exercise 4: stative verbs. Check answers as WC. CCQ: Refer to extracts on WB and write present continuous form of the stative verb below each extract (i.e. I'm just wanting a fairer... I'm having 3 dogs... I don't knowing much...) while eliciting the tense of these stative verbs. --Present simple. CCQ2: Did they want a fairer system last month? When did they say they don't know much about it? --these things are happening now. Make sure to point out that is no form of "be" in the present simple. Distinguish the difference between using the "be" form with present continuous, and not using it for present simple. WB will be useful for this- see WB plan with language analysis.
Chest HO and direct sts to exercise 5. Ask WC what verb appears in both exercise 1 and exercise 4 extracts. "Are there any verbs from the action verb extracts that are also in the stative verb extracts in exercises 1 & 4?" --Have, Having. Write "Have" on the WB and explain the difference between "to have"= to own, and "having"= an experience. Go through other examples as needed: Think (Stative= to believe, Dynamic= reflect), Live (To Live= Stative, Living= Dynamic).
Chest HO and direct sts to exercise 6. Instruct them to work with their partner to decide if each sentence is an action verb or a stative verb. Give them 3 minutes then check answers with WC and clarify any discrepancies as needed.
Chest new HO and instruct sts they will be mingling with each other to practice asking and answering questions in the present continuous tense. Each line has a set of verbs that can be used in a sentence and they are looking to fill the lines with names of people who go to work, are reading a book, watching a tv series, etc. Give them the HO and 5 minutes to mingle, monitoring and available for grammar correction questions. Check answers with WC and go over any grammar issues together.
Sit down with sts in horse-shoe setting. Ask them how they liked the activities today. Ask them if they think this language will be useful in everyday conversation and where/how they might use it. Encourage them to practice whenever they can outside of class and praise them for making it through so many activities in one lesson.