Frazer Worthington Frazer Worthington

Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will be able to introduce themselves within the context of meeting someone new with the use of the present simple. Students will use possessive adjectives and personal pronouns to describe their belongings.


Abc Identity cards
Abc Profile card
Abc Picture ( x 1 for each pair )

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of present simple in the context of introducing someone.
  • To provide practice of the affirmative and negative form of the verb to be within the context of personal information and belongings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide freer speaking practice to introduce another person.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Hand the students the picture. Ask the questions from the textbook page 4 activity 1. Ask, ' What are they talking about? ', ' Are they friends? '. Clarify task aims, ' You are going to practice introducing yourselves '. ' This is to a person you don't know ?' Ask the class, ' When do you introduce yourself ? ' Have the T.A clarify the task. Students keep books closed.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Activity 2. Prepare the students to listen to the task. Play the audio from page 4 activity 2. Students listen only. Play again and instruct the students to take notes on useful words they hear. Model an example from the audio. Pause after line 2 and write ' How are you ? ' on the board. Continue playing the audio. Students form pair and exchange notes and phrases.

Task - Introducing yourself. (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Clarify the task with the students. Write the aims on the board; Find out; Where they are from / How old they are / How they are? / their name. Choose two students to help you demonstrate the task. Then put students into groups of three. Hand each student a profile card. Students complete the task of recording the information on their card.

Planning (4-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

Students then have to prepare to tell the class what they found out. Provide a scaffold; feeling...... / This is.......She's / He's from...... / This is......He's / She's....years old. Students work together to write the reporting. Give the class a warning to share their answers.

Report (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

Groups choose a volunteer to report to the class. Ask the class to listen to the answers. Points will be given when they recall the information correctly. Student reports. Call on students to report what the person said. Repeat.

Language Analysis (4-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Students look at page 4 activity 1. Students complete the dialogue with the words in blue. Underline the blue words in the text on the board. Change the blue words to personal information. Clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the blue words. Ask, ' When do we use these phrases? '. Elicit this is to introduce ourselves.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Tell the class they are going to practice introducing themselves again. Write on the board; Hello, What's your name? Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? How old are you? Let me introduce you too.... How are you? Explain to the students they are taking on a new identity. They have to find the two people on their task card. They must introduce people to each other. Check the task with the students and clarify the task. Advice the students that they should follow the phrases on the board to help them answer.

Break (5-5 minutes) • Students take a break
Lead - in (5-7 minutes) • Set the context / reconstruct the text.

Tell the class you have some information about a boy. Write the words on the board; Karl - England - Manchester - 17 - Ireland - sisters - two - Ruth - Sorcha - 15 - school - same - class - university - London. Ask the class, ' What do you think the story is about? '. Tell students to work in pairs to write four to six sentences about the boy using the words. When the students have finished have them turn to page 5 activity one to check their answers.

Personal statements (5-8 minutes) • Students personalise and process the input.

Have the students look at activity 3 page 5. Students create personalised sentences. Model examples with the class on the board. Have students complete in their notebooks. Fast finishers can write questions to the answers.

Feedback (4-5 minutes) • Students share their answers and focus on form.

Students share their answers to their partner. Students then share to the class. Focus on activity 2 page 5. Have the students fill in the table. Have fast finishers highlight examples from the table in the text in activity 1.

Activity 4 (5-6 minutes) • Form questions using the verb be

Draw the students attention to the prompts and explain the task. Students check the table in activity 2. Students complete. Then pairs check. Check with the class.

End of lesson (2-3 minutes) • Wrap-up today lesson

Have the students evaluate today's lesson. Write on the board;

Extra time • For students to practice possessive adjectives

Have the students look and read activity six. Then put students into pairs. Check the grammar rules with the students and provide some simple sentences on the board. Point to objects in the room and say the target sentence to reinforce the meaning. Have students repeat the sentences. Student A reads the text in activity 1 to student B. Student B listens and says stop when they hear one of the demonstrative pronouns. Student A continues to read. Pairs then change roles.

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