Emily Caglayan Emily Caglayan

Teaching Practice 3
B2 - Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss are introduced to predicative adjectives and given controlled and freer practice in the context of family. The lesson starts with a lead-in, to spark ss interest in the topic as well as introduce new vocabulary. During the presentation, the teacher hopes to elicit meaning from the ss, and drill the pronunciation of the words. The language focus is on the function of predicative adjectives, in contrast to attributive adjectives. The controlled practice activity is a sentence completion, and the freer practice activity is a speaking exercise in which ss will talk about one of their relatives, using the new vocabulary. If time permits, ss will also do a mingling activity in which they must interview each other using the predicative adjectives they have just learned.


Abc Questionnaire
Abc Lead In Activity
Abc Definitions and Sentences
Abc Fill-in Sentences Activity
Abc Speaking Exercise

Main Aims

  • Lexis - To introduce and give ss controlled and freer practice in predicative adjectives in the context of family.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking - To give ss practice in accuracy and in speaking for fluency.


Warmer/ Lead-in (5 minutes) • To create interest in the topic

Divide ss into three small groups (ask ss to give me three colors) Explain that "I am going to tell you about my sister Suzanne" (sit near the students) Tell ss to listen and arrange these sentences in the correct order. Give each group a set of cut-up sentences. ICQ's: What are you going to do? Individually or with your group? Read paragraph about my sister. If ss want me to repeat, read once more. FEEDBACK: Tell students to get up and check their answers with the other two groups. See if they all have the same order. (WC): "Does everyone agree with the order of the sentences?" Try to elicit students to say the word FAMILY, which is today's topic. Ask, "Who was my paragraph about? Who is Suzanne? What sort of information am I telling you about her?" Personalize: "Who here has a sister? How many? Where do they live? Who has a brother? Who is an only child? Where does your family live?" Explain to ss that all the lessons today... focus on FAMILY and FAMILY HISTORY (context).

Presentation of Lexis (10 minutes) • To introduce ss to predicative adjectives and give them practice in pronunciation accuracy.

Explain to the ss that we are going to focus on a group of words, and I first want to see if you all understand their MEANING. Explain to the ss that you have an activity and the first thing they must do is fold the paper in half. Just focus on the top part. In this activity, I want you to match the words to their definitions. ICQ's: What will you do first? Will you look at the top part or the bottom part? What will you do with the words? Distribute HO#2 and show students how to fold it. Then, say, "For example, 1. is 'c'," and write c in the blank next to 1. Give ss a chance to do the exercise. FEEDBACK: When most ss are done, divide into pairs and have them check their answers with a partner. (WC): Does everyone agree with your partner? FORM: Have ss turn papers over. Explain that I will say the definitions aloud, and the students need to tell me the word (try to elicit the words from the ss). Once the ss have said the word, focus on accuracy of pronunciation. DRILL the pronunciation of each word (choral drilling: WC, women, men, individual). After each word, write the word on the right-hand side of the wb and indicate the stressed syllable. Do not write the part of speech on the wb yet.

Language Focus (10 minutes) • To focus on the position of predicative adjectives.

Ask the ss what all these words (on the right-hand side of the wb) have in common? Are they the same part of speech? Try to ELICIT the word "Adjective" and then write "(adj.)" beside each word. Ask the ss, "What is an adjective? Which word does it describe?" (again, try to elicit the answer) (AN ADJECTIVE is a word that gives us more information about a noun or a noun phrase). Where do you find adjectives in a sentence? (answer: usually before the noun) Tell ss that these are called ATTRIBUTIVE adjectives. Write example on wb: "I have a pretty sister" Ask ss, "Which word is the adjective?" "Can pretty go after the verb?" Yes, "My sister is pretty." Divide the ss into pairs. Explain to the ss the next exercise: "Now, I want you to find your folded handouts and turn them over. In your pairs, I want you to read the sentences aloud and circle the sentence that sounds better." This also gives the ss practice speaking. ICQ's: What are you doing? By yourself? What are you circling?" FEEDBACK: Call on individual ss to read each of the sentences and tell you which one sounds better. Does everyone agree? (WC feedback) Point to vocabulary words on the right-hand side of the wb. Ask ss, "So, these adjectives are unique, why?" (Try to elicit: Because they cannot be used before the noun). And they are called: PREDICATIVE ADJECTIVES - write on wb. CCQ's: What are predicative adjectives? Where do they come in a sentence? Can they also go before the noun?

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To give ss controlled practice in predicative adjectives.

Divide ss into three small groups (give me three fruits). Explain to the ss that you will give them an activity in which they must complete the sentences with these adjectives. There are 3 extra adjectives which you will not need. ICQ's: What are you doing? With your group or alone? Do Example: Yes, for example, "1. I feel ............... I think it was something I ate. The correct answer is ill." FEEDBACK: When students are finished, send a spy from each group to check and see if they have the same answers. WC... Write the numbers on the wb, but have individual ss come up and write the sentences on the wb.

Freer Practice / Personalisation - Speaking #1 (8 minutes) • To give ss freer practice in predicative adjectives and speaking for fluency.

Divide the ss into pairs (A-B-A-B). Have all the A's raise their hands. All the B's raise their hands. Remind ss about the paragraph that I read about my sister Suzanne at the beginning of class. Show HO#4. Explain to ss that they will think of a person in their family and describe them using as many of these adjectives as possible. Give out the HO to all the ss. Tell the ss that they will have a few minutes to brainstorm... but do NOT write sentences. ICQ's: What are you doing? Who are you talking about? What adjectives are you using? Are you writing down sentences? For example, "I am going to talk about my grandmother. So, I will tell my partner... my grandmother lives alone. Every evening at eight o'clock she is asleep..." After brainstorming, tell ss A's to begin talking to their partner. MONITOR... and write down sentences if possible. When they are finished... have ss B's begin talking to their partner. FEEDBACK: WC: write a few sentences on the sb for students to correct.

Personalisation - Speaking #2 (7 minutes) • To give ss additional practice in speaking for fluency.

If time permits, have ss do mingling activity in which they must interview each other. Explain to the ss that they will be given a handout which is a questionnaire. They must go around the room and ask their fellow students the questions on the handout. Keep in mind, that you can only ask one question to each person. ICQ's: "What will you be given? What will you do with it? Are you interviewing only one person? Are you showing the person your paper?" Distribute handouts. Have the ss stand up and begin activity. Let me do an example, "For example, Fatma... and ask her question #1." MONITOR FEEDBACK: Again, write any incorrect sentences on the wb. Get students to correct. WC feedback.

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