said zaouda said zaouda

Body and Clothes/ Grammar
9th grade level


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Have / Has got in the context of Clothes

Subsidiary Aims

  • Familiarize students with vocabulary items related to clothes


Engage (5-5 minutes) • Get the students attention

- The teacher initiates the session by asking the students question using have got and has got: Have you got a pen ? Has she got a phone? Have you got a bike ?

Study (15-17 minutes) • Provide classification of the target language

- students read the dialogue on page 52 and by relying on it they fill in the table below in pairs. - Whole class feedback. - the Teacher write down a table that includes all the forms for the students to copy down on their notebooks.

Activate (12-15 minutes) • Put what students have learnt into practice

- The teacher ask the students to do exercise number 3 on page 53 in pairs. - whole class feedback - The teacher ask the students to do exercise number 4 on page 53 in pairs. - whole class feedback - In groups studenst do exercise number 5 by asking each other and responding by whether the person has got the item or not.

Classroom language • Familiarize students with the classroom language
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