Muhammad Ganji Muhammad Ganji

Ending phone conversation
Intermediate - B1 level


In this lesson, students will learm some friendly and polite phrases and expressions to finish a phone conversation, through a listening track that is actually a conversation between 2 friends.


Abc Video clip
Abc Textbook
Abc Picture
Abc Small papers including questions
Abc Paper phones

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about Ending a phone call in the context of Business

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide inference listening practice using a text about Phone calls in the context of Business


Warmer/lead in (5-7 minutes) • Build up rapport

a. Teacher sets the scene. b. Teacher greets the class and asks how the Ss feel. c. Teacher asks about the student's time spending on phone conversation with friends or others. d.T asks the students to read question they are given and share ideas in their groups.(they will be divided into 2 groups). d. Teacher teaches blocking words using MPF , getting repititions, making examples and using board. T will play a video based on the topic to make them engaged and prepared. Then, T will ask them about video clip CCQs: Phone calls 1. Are phone calls cheap or expensive? 2. If you are in a hurry, do you waste your time talking with others?

Listening for gist (6-7 minutes) • Prepare ss for the track and make it more clear

a.Teacher asks students to read question 'B'. The SS are going to listen to the tape once, and make notes of what each person says. b. Students share their ideas voluntarily in class. c. Teacher gives feedback on content ICQs: 1. Are you going to do it for one person or both of them talking in this phone call? 2. Should you summarize it or take some notes?

Listening for details (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with the details of listening

a. Teacher asks students to read exercise C. b. Students listen to the tape and note as many finisher phrases as they can. c. Teacher asks the students to check their findings in their groups. d.Teacher asks students to announce some of them to write them on the board. ICQs: 1. Are you going to transcribe this conversation? 2. Are you trying to share your findings together?

Post listening (7-10 minutes) • To use the knowledge gained in other steps, in order to develop other skills like writing or speaking

a.Teacher divides the class into 2 groups of 3 and 2 members based on hair tie colors. Then those who have the same color should seat together. b.Teacher asks students to take a look at exercise D, and try to answer them. c. Students discuss their answers in groups . e. Teacher monitors the SS and then gives feedback.(feedback on task and language) CCQ: 1. Why do we use finisher phrases? 2. How can we use them? Where and when?

Activation (12-17 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the tape and expand on what they've learned

A. Controlled: T will ask SS to do exercise 2 on page 59 in groups. B. Semi controlled: Students are going to be given a topic, and they will be given time to make a conversation within a phone conversation, trying to cut the conversation soon. b. Freer: Teacher gives the Ss some time to think, then they have to choose a partner, stand in front of each other and try to act out the phone conversation using phone papers. ICQs: 1. You are going to stand up or stay in you previous groups? 2. Do you use your phones to make a real call? 3. Are you going to give any comments on different ideas?

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