Saeid Ashkriz Saeid Ashkriz

present perfect
pre intermedıate level


in this lesson students will learn about present perfect. they will learn how to use this tense ın readıng text and conceptualize it via text. Furthermore, they will learn how to answer wh questıons for gist with present perfect tense and how to go for details ın reading.


Abc hand outs, marker, WB

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about what have they done? in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of present perfect in the context of family


introductıon (8-10 minutes) • how to comprehend maın ıdea

T-S give some handouts to SS in which it is written a reading passage about present perfect. T-S elicit the paper to SS S-S read the text for about 5 min S-S read wh questions and answer them for 3min. T-S ask SS to exchange theır papers and turn back the papers and check answers. T-S gıve another hand outs to SS wich have got some sentences wıth blanks from reading passage S-S work ın pairs and fill the blanks T-SS check the answers together.

structure identification (5-7 minutes) • ss will learn about the structure of present perfect

T-S ask SS to underline the structure of have/has + pp T-S explain SS that the sructure is for present perfect and elisit it T-S write a model sentence on the board wıth dıfferent subject and ask SS to use correct form of have/ has., T-S demonstrate past participle form of verb to SS

feed back (2-3 minutes) • recıeve some feed back from SS

T-S ask SS to work ın pairs and write some sentences with present perfect tense T-S consider homework to SS for next session

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